What's New? (Sep 1966)

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JOHN J. FITZGIBBONS C.B.£E. OUR COMPANY’S CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD DIES AFTER LENGTHY ILLNESS John Joseph Fitzgibbons, C.B.E., chairman of the board of directors for Famous Players Canadian Corporation Limited, died on Wednesday, August 31st, after a lengthy illness, at his home in Scarsdale, New York. For many years a prominent figure in the Canadian motion picture industry, he was born in Meriden, Conn., on August 27th, 1890. He came to Canada from Boston in May 1930, as director of theatre operations for Famous Players and was president and managing director of the Company since 1941. He was appointed chairman of the board of directors on May 21st, 1963. Mr. Fitzgibbons began his motion picture career as a newsreel cameraman and theatre projectionist. Later he owned and operated theatres in Bayshore, Islip, Babylon and Southampton, Long Island. He joined the ParamountPublix organization in 1925 and became director of theatre management for eastern United States. He was awarded the decoration of Commander of the Order of the British Empire by Governor-General Viscount Alexander in Ottawa in 1946 for his outstanding service and leadership as chairman of the Canadian Motion Picture War Service Committee. For many years he was chairman of the board of governors of St. Michael’s hospital and was governor of Notre Dame College in Wilcox, Sask. Mr. Fitzgibbons established Variety Club in Toronto and became its first Chief Barker and an international officer. Variety Club presented him with its annual Heart Award and he also was honoured by the Canadian Picture Pioneers and the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews. The Sarcee Indians of Alberta inducted him as ‘‘Chief Moving Shadows.”’ He was a 4th degree member of the Knights of Columbus, Knight of Magistral Grace in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in Canada and Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Son of Michael and Bridget Fitzgibbons, he married Katharine Kiernan and had seven children, who, with Mrs. Fitzgibbons, survive him. They are Yvonne (Mrs. Milton Robinson), Scarsdale, N.Y.; John J. Fitzgibbons, Jr., Toronto; Helen (Mrs. J. B. McCausland), Cleveland; Eugene E. Fitzgibbons, Toronto; Robert Fitzgibbons, Wahroonga, Australia; Kevin Fitzgibbons, Toronto and Arthur Fitzgibbons, Quebec. ——