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What's New? (Jul-Aug 1970)

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Wim Shine: and “games day for ne. dred and fifty Famous he sf ofan 4 = General ‘Soun qd a nd or boy fonds, This year ae dt ee fee the Annandale Golf and Country Club 240 Pickering, on the eastern’ ourskirts ‘of Metro Toronto. ee The program was wide and va ‘ied : Many spent the afternoon chasing ny elusive” little white ball around the golf course, and for the non-go fers who > were in the majority there was a pro— gram of novelty games and contests. ; Over 150 prizes were distributed A the winners and as lucky door prizes. — In the evening there was dancing for all who managed to survive the oy ee energy sapping activities. a Earl Gordon was chairman of ‘the picnic committee, and was ably assisted by Bill Walterhouse, Chris Champagne, John Kilcullen, May Chan, Gerry Dillon, Bob Gardner and Bob West. | A highlight of the evening was the _ presentation to Jack Fitzgibbons of a ~ set of cufflinks and tie tac in appreciation of his help in assuring the success of this memorable day. 3 ~The accompanying photos selected at random tell their own story, and individual bylines would be super— flous. aie