What shocked the censors! (1933)

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What Shocked the Censors D deal, and nothing else . . . etc." "I always said that Waterfront Bank was cheese.'' Eliminate all views of men in the bank, in shadow, passing bags of money from one to the other (2). Eliminate view of Vance picking up bag containing stolen money thrown • from bank. REEL 4. — "One yip out of you and I'll drill you." REEL 5. — Eliminate distinct views of machine gun in action — man getting out of car with machine gun— all views of man with machine gun back of car, silent and in action (5). Eliminate the view of the cutting of the telephone wires. Eliminate distinct views of man with machine gun advancing up path toward cabin (4). Eliminate all distinct view of men with guns firing into cabin (7). Eliminate distinct views of three men with guns on running board of car. REEL 6. — Eliminate distinct views of man shooting at Belle outside of cabin (2). "Look here, you take the side door, Lefty, I'll take the front. Red, you come with me. When I yell, let 'em have it, understand?" Cut to flash of three feet all views of men with machine gun and revolvers advancing on cabin and firing (3). Eliminate all views of Vance with machine gun firing into attic where Banning, wounded, is concealed (3). "Let 'em have it." DO MEN FORGET MARCH, 1933 REEL 3. — "No, he doesn't know. Every letter shoivs your fright and terror." trl know that you and Jack have had a secret love affair." "Then Jack should suffer, too. It's as much his sin as mine. There is my mother. Please don't tell her, please." REEL 4. — "And suppose I told you that we couldn't wait?" "Jack, can't you guess? Must I put it into words?" "But Jack, don't you understand what's happened?'' "If Mother finds out it will kill her." "Rather a delicate situation to handle ivhere one is not sure, and you know boys will lie." "And unless I am wrong, Jack is the young man this girl accuses." REEL 5. — "You dirty rotter. He did it. You thought I wouldn't understand. You can't put anything over on her." "But why are they trying to force me to make a terrible thing of it?" 'I do forgive him but I don't want to belong to him any more." "Poor Moms, how can we tell her? And she's got to know." "I'll tell her. / can at least spare Dorothy that." REEL 6. — "But if he were alive that boy would pay for ivhat he has done." "Mother, Dorrie is afraid you won't forgive her, but I know you will. She's suffered so much." "Mother, this is the hardest part of all." "I lost my head and wanted to kill Jack." REEL 7. — "I wanted someone to really love me." 32