What shocked the censors! (1933)

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What Shocked the Censors F REEL 8. — Eliminate italicised word: "Gee, but there are a lot of married couples around here." (Exclamation as Cliff Edwards peers into cabin of nearby boat.) FIGHTING FOOL FEBRUARY, 1932 REEL 3. — "// that kid makes a run for it, I'll fill him full of lead." REEL 4. — "You know your part. There'll be four of us in the windows with a bead in the small of your back if you slip up. After you answer the signal, back Eddie through the door luith this. It's empty, but our*s ain't. Wave that sweet brother of yours down the hill, and if you warn him it'll be you that gets it." Eliminate all views of men in cabin with rifles leveled through the windows at approaching sheriff (2). "When the horse get's to that wagon — all together." Eliminate all views of men deliberately firing through window ar sheriff Eliminate distinct view of men firing at boy outside of cabin — killing him. REEL 5. — "Have Eddie. and one of the other boys watch the road and pick him off on the ivay back . . . etc." Eliminate all views of Nina with gun concealed in dress, forcing Deputy to open cell door, liberating "The Shadow". (3) REEL 6. — Eliminate all views of men concealed in trees firing deliberately with guns at approaching sheriff (3). FLAMING SIGNAL MARCH, 1933 REEL 4. — Eliminate all views of Von Krantz picking up native girl, Reri, and accompanying views of struggle to fade out of scene. REEL 6. — Eliminate view of dog's jaws on Von Krantz' throat, (scene where Von Krantz is lying on floor motionless) FORBIDDEN JANUARY, 1932 REEL 2. — Eliminate indecent action of lips of office boy. FORGOTTEN COMMANDMENTS JUNE, 1932 REEL 1. — "For years we have been carrying the crushing burden of religion. Let's cast it off, comrades. "My mother was a peasant, my father — well, he was two working men." "Better take a course in birth control first, little comrade." "To us they're a joke. Anya and I are together. We work together. We love each other. Our relationship is perfect. But the idea of marriage . . . !" REEL 2. — "Well, just living together." "She's — well, she's his wife in a way." REEL 3. — (As per dialogue sheet): "Were they capitalists?" "To the capitalists." "Next it will be the duty I owe to my priest." "Well, if it isn't old Comrade God himself." 36