What's on the air (Nov 1929-Feb 1931)

Record Details:

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WHAT'S ON THE AIR Page 47 THE JONES FAMILY OF PENNSYLVANIA, one of the best-known families in the United States, whose trials and tribulations in journeying through foreign countries are pictured in "The Family Goes Abroad," heard every Saturday at 7 p. rn. (E. S. T.), over the NBC System. Standing: Aunt Letty and Mrs. Jones (played by Dora Matthews and Adelina Thomasson). Jefferson Jones (Robert McBride) is seated, and completing the group are Genny (Helen Bcrgavoy) and Jim (Curtis Arnall). © The New Business World Radio service for business men, conducted by Merle Thorp. Announcer, George F. Hicks. From NBC Washington studios. 0 Launderland Lyrics Bernice Taylor, soprano; Fred Waldner, tenor; twenty-two-piece orchestra; direction, Josef Koestner. Announcer, Ted Pearson. © General Electric Hour Symphony Orchestra; direction, Walter Damrosch. "Adventures in Science," Floyd Gibbons. Announcer, John S. Young. © The Pickard Family Southern folk songs; novelty orchestra. ©The Silver Flute Talcs of a wandering gypsy. Milton J. Cross. Announcer, ©Broadway Lights (First 15 min.j Muriel Pollack and Vec Lawnhurst, pianists; Earl Oxford, baritone. The Cub Reporter (Lasti5min.) Comic skit with Peter Dixon and Aline Berry. © Dutch Masters Ministrels Carson Robison, novelty vocalist; Harry Donaghy, bass; Steele Jamison, tenor; P.uil Dumont and Al Bernard, endmen; orchestra direction, Harold S.intord. February 1, 8, 15, 22 SATURDAY 8899 VJ 30 */ 30 EASTERN TIME 7J 0 © 0 WGR BUFFALO 1 N.Y. O 0 O © WKBW BUFFALO 93 *WMAKBUFFAL0 36 O 0 0 © © © © WABC NEW YORK 32 WEAF NEW YORK 12 75 © © © WJZ NEW YORK 22 M O G © WHAM ROCHTER 61 R R X O *WHECrochter 90 75 0 © © WGY SCHENDY23 O O © *WFBL SYRACUSE 36 75 0 © © WBT CHARL0T 54 N. C. 75 WPTF RALEIGH 14 0 © ©u WWNCashevle 3 O P © © WADC AKRON 78 OHIO 75 *WFJC AKRON 91 O 0 © © WKRCciNCINNATl 1 P P M © YYLW CINCINNATI 16 75 0 © © WSAI CINCINNATI 79 D|W © © WHK CLEYEL'D 85 MV MV © © WTAM CLEVEL'D 53 WAJU C0LUMBS10 *WCAHC0LUMB'S89 © 0 © © WSPD TOLEDO 80 E M X X *WKBNyONGSTN3 N KFJF OKLA.CITY93 0KLA. ^ 0 © © WKY 0KLA.CITY36 *KV00 TULSA 60 0 p L *WHP HARRISBG 89 PA. © © O © WLBW OIL CITY 72 0 T © © T WCAU PHILAD. 63 E 0 T *YYFAN PHILAD. 7 ^3 R © © *WFI PHILAD. 2 *WUT PHILAD. 2 © 0 © © © KDKA PITTSB'GH 44 WCAE PITTSB'GH 68 WJAS PITTSBGH 75 © © M © © © © D ©'© WEANPR0VIDNCE24 R.I. WJAR PR0VIDNCE35 © © ©I© EM X D WDODCHATTA. 74TENN. ©|0 ©|© WMC MEMPHIS 24 *WREC MEMPHIS 6 *WLAC NASHVLE 95 WSM NASHVLE 11 ©10 ©!©< 0 1 *KRLD DALLAS 50 TEX. *WFAA DALLAS 26 *WBAPrT.W0RTH26 KPRC HOUSTON 38 "KTSAs.ANTONIO 75 YYOAI sjunomo 65 1 ©I© ©1© O 0 0 D O|0 O M ©f© X © O D ©| 0| ©I 0 ^WTARnORFOLK 24 VA. WRVA RICHMD 57 0 © PM M WDBJ ROANOKE 39 0 M 01© 0 © O © 0 © © -WEBC SUPER R 74 WISC ♦WISNmILWAU 58 WTMJ M11W*U 8 7 7 Q 8 1 30 O 30 CENTRAL TIME • Divides Time with Another Station