Who's who in the film world (1914)

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"|p=^ELEX CASTLE. Had a most thorough course of training lasting twelve 1 years in the legitimate before taking up the silent drama. Her first J — X appearance before the footlights was in stock, playing stock engagements for two years. Then into melodrama for three years, during which time she appeared in all the big cities in the states. Then followed two years with New York productions, after which Miss Castle spent one season in vaudeville. Following her vaudeville engagement she went to London, playing with Louis "Waller in "The Squaw Man" for one year. Returning, she played one season with George Beban in "The Sign of the Rose" and two seasons with "The Third Degree." Last engagement before joining the moving pictures was with David Higgins in vaudeville, playing "Piney Ridge." Joined Seligs, Los Angeles, October, 1913, where she has since been engaged, playing emotional leads and characters. Miss Castle is an exceedingly versatile artist, having played everything from "Willie Hammond in "Ten Nights" to "Camille." This is her greatest asset in the silent drama. Some of her chief successes before the camera have been "The Family Record," "In Remembrance" and "The Newsboy Tenor." Address: Seligs Polyscope Company, Eastlake, Los Angeles, Cal. One Hundred Thirty-one