Who's who in the film world (1914)

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WITZKL PHOTO CHARLES CLARY. Born in Charleston. 111., March 24, 1878. When quite a boy Mr. Clary took a liking to theatricals and as a result obtained his initial experience by taking amateur parts during his school days; his first experience being in "Our Boys" at Kansas City High School, playing the part of Perkyn Middlewick. His first professional engagement was with the Burbank Theatre, Los Angeles, in 1897; then followed engagements in various well-known stock companies on the Pacific Coast and Middle West, after which Mr. Clary went to New York to fill an engagement in "A Road To Yesterday," following which he successively played with Mary Mannering en tour in "Glorious Betsey" and with Leslie Carter in "Vasta Heme," in which he played the part of the doctor. Mr. Clary first joined the Selig Co. in August, 1910, and has been with the same company ever since. He will probably best be remembered as playing Columbus in "The Coming of Columbus" and Prince Umballah m "Adventures of Kathlyn." Address: Selig Company, Edendale, Los Angeles, Cal. One Hundred Thirty-two