Who's who in the film world (1914)

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GARL. A. FOXE. Born in Oxford, Ohio. His theatrical career started at the College Theatre in Chicago, playing stock with stars like Edmund Breese, Efne Shannon, Arnold Daly and others. Later, he joined Isabel Irving in "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall," then joined the famous Forepaugh Stock Company at Cincinnati, after which he played with such stars as Fred Stone in "The Red Mill," John Drew, Grace George, Douglas "Fairbanks and William Hawley. He will also probably be remembered as the original Buck Hicks in the "College Widow," and as Howard Jeffries in the Chicago company of "The Third Degree." In 1912, Mr. Foxe joined the Kalem Company, where he played opposite Alice Joyce for a year or more. He then went with Florence Lawrence of "The Victor," as her leading man, until D. W. Griffith brought him over to the Mutual, where he played leads in Reliance releases. Mr. Foxe has been thrifty during all these years of his success and is the owner of four picture houses and other property. He is now playing leads with the Selig Company, Los Angeles. Address: Selig Co., Eastlake, Los Angeles, Cal. One Hundred Thirty-five