Wid's Filmdom (1920)

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CURRENT RELEASES Release Length Release Length Dace Keels Reviewed Date : Reels Reviewed EQUITY PICTURES CORP. Carmen of the North Gaels CWPa ctu eres ere 2x eee eeeeeeeeee 5-23-20 For ie Soul oi Rafael (Clara iiuballa¥outa) . fe e-30.20 : Cai. and ? (Stuart Llolmes—Elen La eep to the Right (Edith Taliaferro)........... re es r nen ir ee ane ne are ci garet Marsh). 2. ue Ag 3D Whispering Devils (Conway Tearle)............Gort. — wit eee oe vi te ara nana ie cl at FA Wits VSPAVVIEG Aree nicer ralsishviociete, sic ate priate darah td ne urs orate 6-6-20 Hest Old ee det ae none: The Discarded Woman (Grace Darling)........ Gwen 627-20 Below the Surface (Ince Special)........:.-5987.... 6-13-20 W. W. HODKINSON CORP. Pariss worecuencCharies hay)... sacar ondeaecen a2 Dome etA-25-20 Distri es Remodeling Her Husband (Dorothy Cishie ASG A lethre. 5 5 6-13-20 P stributing Through Pathe The City of Masks (Robert Warwick)........ 4708.... 7-18-24) “Zane Grey Pictures, Inc.—Benj. B. Hampton and Eltinge F. Warner picierA DedmG Wallacesmserd) ods cs ctes en eae aS eee 6-27-20 Ridensr otithies Dawinernds ut. 0) Seeaaicicts sigatiaem ates) Rear 5.9.20 RoR MCV liam Mae Elerh yes... <2 shecoveleeie omens 4869.... 6-27-20 Lovet Madnessy (lowse. Glatm) atu anes cee sas 6aee 8-8-20 The Restless Sex (Marion Davies)........... 6000.... 6-13-20 <Artco Productions July The Sins of St. Anthony (Bryant Washburn)..4565.... = Cynthia-of-the-Minute (Leah Baird) ................. 7-11-20 Away Goes Prudence (Billie Burke)......... HOA Gaeta ea 11-20 Kobert Brunton Productions Let’s Be Fashionable (MacLean-May)....... ASO tee. 6-20-20 Nom SOR (ise Wiatrenmuwennivan cc. ceee. viene oot ae eo The Ladder of Lies (Ethel Clayton)......... Ao eee 7-11-20 The Green Flame (J. Warren Kerrigan)......... Greet slide oe Homer Comes Home (Charles Ray)......... 5 Glamis 7-4-20 Louis Tracy Productions : The Fourteenth Man (Robert Warwick)...... MGSO. : The Silent Barrier (Mitchell Lewis)............. Grenier 8-1-20 The World an is Wife (Cosmopol. Prod.)..6702.... =18-20 August ines tightinge: hance (Special) .....2c«aneeree: 5894.... 7-25-20 METRO PICTURES CORP. whesPriice Chap (DeMille Prod.) s4.40 50026 Glos. ee 18-20 s irooked "streets CHthel| Clayton)’. o..%. one os be CY Rares 8-1-20 NEOs Cena een: Star) 6 7-11-20 cee hte. Circle aC LOUrNEUT) + 50.6 uebiestextes AOL 750.5% June The Cheater (May INES On)2 SE ee ae a ee een ee 6.20.20 Mere arr ee ane ae iae Washburn) .4539.... July et Boe a Beye coh Stan) Meeeee Gan Seon ares 29 eats te RR nee ee hats ot AY Seley nea Dee nemeac ky astren BU sk z he isht ife ACETAL AKG) SsReltsecancy serra ee Gee oe relones Pati se: GistiId. cs CLHNELE)! “5. wae lsyelehelece cs Moet airs 479 6~ hs 8-38-20 _ hes Mutiny of ok (Mitchell Lewis)........ Bens a 722520 FIRST NATIONAL ug. ee a ase May lison) . tee nee tee ers ceneee 6.... ——— ] R C LOL awe LD) aria) getene ee ooo The Inferior Sex (Mildred Harris Chaplin)..........$5200! Sonv © RENEE ROMER ee ee Pet ee ne pe aa Stewart) ......... ae iene Page ef Bono eon CBerts Ivtell) aa. aes 6..... ——Fires of Youth (D. W, Griffith's) ....000DN IN CCS Ma tgs (hese Sc ece ae mene The Woman Gives (Norma Talmadge).............. 4-18-20 Taylor Holmes Productions Mee dO Mme AncemmCGritnth)<\..cc6 2 ectueees os tee Jame 3-28-20 Nothing \Butig Lies 2 piccrtoctevs she fe tere areichs anaes arch eroe 6 5-23-20 Wont Mvere\arryercNetlan )Prod:)iece soe 6.... 4-25-20 : . The Love Expert (Constance Talmadge)............; 5-2-20 PATHE EXCHANGE, INC. | Passion’s Playground (Katherine MacDonald)...... June 6 The Little > Cafeat Max: Linder) <2. os oot '.2 068 er 5.... _6-6-20 nee pote oe ie vette etree eeee Boe) Jue 20 PassersBy (Hishert ee Be oe ge Bests G02 : Ta PUSES ICUS) Sete aL Gime 1S, Coat Sar ei e)*ey uly roadway owboy m. esmond)........-. vans "= ae pie ra e LE eae Prod,)....++++.6.... 7-25-20 July 18 Man and His Woman (Herbert Rawlinson)..... 6.... (7-18-20 The le k hy ite M (Ki oid tie ¢ Seite ieee eevee Aug. 1 One Hour Before Dawn (H. B. Warner)........ 6.... 7-18-20 eee typ ee ue (see se: i ee 8-8-20 -15 The Girl in the Web (Blanche Sweet)........... G;snge 25-20 Married Life (Mack Sennett Special).......++:++5++++ 6-27-20 Sept a The House ct @itotine: Bal ‘(Bruce Gordon3 The Perfect Woman (Constance Talmadge)....... Saree 8-1-2009 ee MayoeiN OAV Os Min os hd Waene ae ee eee ae ee eee ed The Splendid Hazard (Henry Walthall)......... 6k. 12 Felix O'Day, (Cane eae te eee ie ae SET poe oe FOX FILM CORP 26 elp Wanted—Male (Blanche Sweet-Henry King)5.... .———— eee = American Film Co., Inc. William Farnum Series The Honey Beem CMimexs Sylvia) ssa sacs. 0 «ale oars aratedne sistas 5-23-20 ae Hes eee Soh fa ass RMT ETS Nereis era reels Bre: Bae The Thirtieth Piece of Silver (Margarita r CET ee eee eee ee eee eee seee 6-20DISH Ck) Mimesvaeet tates revere tebete ian (a) ae ehele is sla/e sicastaisfegta’s se.ej6 Specials ’ The House of Toys (Seena Owen).........-.e0-Oseicseuro280'20 an ee ee ee ee ee alialsfotetele eaisls'«ie.6 Seige pei Peggy Rebels (Mary Miles Minter)............. S Nniets Whe White Moll (Pearl White).ciliscsssessesec7occ, 7-18-20 s ee CORE i : Thoughtless Women (Alma Rubens)............ Oli ee Tom Mix pence Place of Honeymoons (Emily Stevens).......... 6.... ——3 ne ld w Osc eieieialol8i#:@i 91s) 3)@/9) 0) s 9) else Sew eceeteoseses 5.... 5-23-20 Where Is My Husband (Jose Collins)............ 6....0 ——— ae Raa cicnchiae Si Nedskois)</iio)-) «shea tees se Eee ReDSIeESL cieartsve)inrai ris. s7* 91° 7-4-20 What Womens WantmClcouise Elul)\...5 seni a z ri ¥ a The Spirit of Good (Madlaine Traverse)........ Saeed 20 Mitciehe Aree yal Bod ip, et Vee The-Iron Heart (Madlaine Traverse)..............+-. 6-6-20 Bubbles (Nar ntecena) pista. Berk naa Sas ee IWihite:iess (Gladys® Brockwell)itgec cack oe ste a sss cce 6-6-20 mnie Voice (hoeK TE ASAT) ee ee nee) See The Twins of Suffering Creek (William Russell)...... 6-20-20 ee Kae oe EEA arr re 2P aie aC Ohne Bate aenae Ae Wacid ot Bolly Vivi Riek 6-13-20 His Brother’s Keeper (Martha Mansfield)........ 6.... 0 ——— A Si ie md S ae (Gladys ae lewell) petbemere. el 0.4 5) ores 7.11.20 A Moment’s Madness (Marguerite Namara)...... 6.... —— day ber: 17 fecoiee Walsh) DS SSIEL es ateter sisi io) + ge oa Out of the Depths (Violet Mersereau)............5.... —_~-ithe Square Shooter (Buck Jones):.........0.-Stare 8-8-20 ee le see ae pee. UN wide SEAS e at eee et Firebrand Trevison (Buck Jones)............... Manag weaker! AM aoa MUO C CAI Kane, kc es at PS The Little Wanderer (Shirley Mason).......... Seer : COL ORES a Ee he The Rose of Nome (Gladys Brockwell)......... Seco. 20 ROBERTSON-COLE Her Honor the Mayor Chilecnse Ecce) racer + «Js eSpecials [The Man Who Dared (William Russell).........5.... 8-8-20 Tha een Daven CEL Bu Warler)s 4 viel eces ine ae GOLDWYN DISTRIBUTING CORP. The Wonder Man (Georges Carpentier).......... Ole ate 6-6-20 The Silver Horde (Rex Beach’s)..............-fe=1 6-20 The Cup of Fury (Rupert Hughes)............ 3. 3 4-11-20 AY SUPERIOR PICTURES The Strange Boarder (Will Rogers)........... Seer 4e250-20 The Woman Who Understood (Bessie Barriscale).5.... Dangerous Days (Eminent Authors)........... Tie er oro sa. ee Skies (ZaSu Pitts) SH uebacay ee Se... 0 The Woman and the Puppet (Geraldine Berest) y)h 238 4-11-20 Ss evil’ Ss Claim (Sessue aya awa) hic he ter Eke ce shane 5-16-2 The Woman in Room 13 (Pauline Frederick)...5. 4-11-20 he Fortune Teller (Marjorie Rambeau)........ 7.4. 5-16-20 Dollars and Sense (Madge Kennedy)............ Batre! | 6207-20 The Notorious Mrs. Sands (Bessie Barriscale)........ an Out of the Storm (Eminent Authors)............ 7.... 6-20-20 Piss cu pera ee blap ee andy) eae irae ee, fe ay ee s’ Call Me Jim (Will Rogers)..........00.0000% 5.... 5-30-20 ee Beene tee eg, SSeS Pare aS Great Accident (Tom Moore).............. Baws) 6227220 Li Ting Lang (Sessue Hayakawa) ett ee 54 Bees Ce The Slim Princess (Mabel Normand).;............... 7-4-20 re & ape te RS Ney tae oe ‘Ze Roads of Destiny (Pauline Frederick)............... 0 ei rabis ; Beta Pa eric eee 2 is Double-Dyed Deceiver (Jack Pickford)............... 6-20-20 ‘REALART PICTURES CORP. are Sith eM adres Kennedy) tn crlsteitis sate 54.6 os aces aces Soldiers of Fortune (Anna Q. Nilsson) peratcn My wack, Chminent: Amithors));. « .!<0..2n0 0608.0 6-20-20 Th D Pini A. Wal h P aD i 6 5-16-20 Going Some (Eminent Authors)..............++: 6i5.6 "7-25-20 ae ope BS ie emt ey yee A as ep See iene ee é rhe te Re ea See Prod )eaen Orne a Cupid, the Cowpuncher (Will Rogers).............-. 8-1-20 isa. Hi obha (Wanda, Howey) ee Rees oe Sate 6.20.20 The Man Who Had Everything (Jack Pickford)...... = A Dark Lantern (Alice Brady)...............5Gaal 8-8-20 The Girl With the Jazz Heart (Madge Kennedy)...... —= 5 isa treat wotes (eminent Anthotrs) 6... ..0-.6. 0044s —— . J. Selznick Enterprises Bennison Star Series SELZNICK PICTURES ee on Srate ree) oh PYaeradet aisles efepers she 4 ee Gila aero 3) xo Distributed Through Select Exchanges is AMMA ae ered bake) gaddna the, «ates o's eld alah g aie aN sae eee Phe» Woman) God Sent’ (Special)... 00.1800 eee marca ed PUDEMORMCUIER ONE ANZAT con lelcrs esids «pS sia as 4 asl eters Ti tia 6-6-20 A Fool and His Money (Eugene O’Brien)...... §. (4298.96 HALLMARK PICTURES CORP The paeon of Rosalie Byrnes (Elaine Hammer ‘ ‘ ‘ SECUY MSIE ET BIT. os 55S Shire Wem digo wih wl o ca Tola gee ee -16-20 Famous Director Series May 3 The Man Who Lost Himself (Wm. Faversham)..5.... 6-6-20 A Dangerous Affair (Herbert Rawlinson) ....5.....——— May 10 The Flapper (Olive Thomas .........++++-++0+S.iss0) Sapd-20