Wid's Films and Film Folk (1916)

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DIRECTORY OF DIRECTORS and C. M. ACKERMAN (Ackie) ACTOR-AUTHOR-DIRECTOR PALACE PLAYERS FILM CORP. TIMES BLDG. BERT ANGELES FEATURE DIRECTOR Address, Screen Club, 165 W. 47th, N. Y. GEORGE D. BAKER PRODUCING FEATURES VITAGRAPH BERT CARBER TECHNICAL DIRECTOR THANHOUSER SCREEN. CLUB EDWIN CAREWE DIR'T’R ROLFE PHOTOPLAYS, Inc. HAL CLARENDON FEATURE PRODUCER UNIVERSAL JAMES DURKIN FEATURE PRODUCER AP elandert: The EQUITABLE FILM CORPORATION | Aflame—Metro. J. GORDON EDWARDS FEATURE PRODUCER FOX FILM CORPORATION MARSHAL FARNUM FEATURE PRODUCER Address Screen Club, GEORGE FITZMAURICE PRODUCING PATHE FEATURES CARROLL FLEMING | PRODUCING DIRECTOR Address 607 W. 147th St. N. Y¥. City FRANCIS J. GRANDON LATEST RELEASES: Edmund Breese Mme. Olga Petrova “Traffic in Souls” epee here because of the presence of Billie Burke. She certainly has a wonderful personality. The director has given us oodles of Billie. Upon every possible occasion, and sometimes without an occasion, he has shown us close-ups of this little lady with the delightful personality. She wears beautiful gowns. The principals are all quite presentable and rather good types, and the extra people figuring in the society scenes for the most part look as if they belong. If you figure that your audiences will overlook the failings of the story and the slowness of the action in admiring Billie and her clothes, then this is a good bet. It is at least different from the serials which promise a thrill every minute and then give us dozens of situations which are about as original as JACK HARVEY FEATURE PRODUCER Address Screen Club, 165 W. 47th, N. Y. E. MASON HOPPER FEATURE PRODUCER | REX INGRAM EATURE PRODUCER UNIVERSAL FILM CORPORATION GEORGE IRVING GENERAL PRODUCING DIRECTOR Frohman Amusement Corporation | | EDWARD JOSE INDEPENDENT eo PATHE RELEAS JOSEPH KAUFMAN DIRECTOR FAMOUS PLAYERS BURTON KING poe of Man Bin pee conan In Preparation—The Spell of the Yukon—Metro. | HARLEY KNOLES FEATURE DIRECTOR PREMO FEATURE FILM CORP. FRANK KUGLER DIRECTOR 165 W. 47th, N. Y. Address Screen Club, 165 W. 47th, N. Y.|5¢ce Address EDGAR LEWIS O. A. C. LUND WALTER MacNAMARA “Ireland a Nation” “Human Cargoes” POPULAR PLAYS AND PLAYERS Address Screen Club, 165 W. 47th, N. Y. HARRY MYERS VIM COMEDIES 3 Address Screen Club, 165 W. 47th, N. Y. JOHN W. NOBLE FEATURE PRODUCER B. A. Rolfe-Metro Pictures Corporation WILFRID NORTH DIRECTOR VITAGRAPH EUGENE NOWLAND PRODUCING FEATURES THANHOUSER NEW ROCHELLE RENE PLAISSETTY FEATURE PRODUCER Oo ————$———— PAUL SCARDON FEATURE DIRECTOR VITAGRAPH CHARLES M. SEAY FEATURE PRODUCER His Angel Souls FREDERIC SULLIVAN DIRECTOR THANHOUSER Screen Club TOM TERRISS PRODUCING TERRISS FEATURES 1547 Broadway JAMES VINCENT PRODUCER FOX FILM CORPORATION THE WHARTONS CONTRACTING FEATURE PROD’CRS Address, Ithaca, N. Y. a ! JAMES YOUNG the famous saw-mill scene from “Uncle Josh Spruceby,” and so from this angle such a serial may go. That is up to you to figure out. In advertising this I would stay away from the story. Do not promise them anything. lf you want to blame it onto Rupert Hughes and figure that his name will pull you anything, go ahead, but I warn you that it is bad. dieation if her personality alone can carry the burden which is being placed upon her shoulders. Others in the cast were: Henry Kolker, David Powell, William Roselle, Frank Belcher, William T. Carleton and Jule Power.