Wid's year book (1919)

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cZTo Exhibitors THE Famous Players Laskv Corporation wants to assure every ex¬ hibitor the co-opera¬ tion and honest in¬ tention on its part to produce only such pictures as will bring him success a^d profit and good will — pictures that will make it possi¬ ble for him to re¬ ceive from the pub¬ lic at all times an admission charge commensurate with their entertainment value. The public is demanding consist¬ ently fine produc¬ tions and is ready to do its part if it gets value received for the price it pays. The new Select¬ ive-Booking plan is devised to reward producer. It will £A(ot every motion picture is a B\r amount — Artcraft picture, but nearly all the better ones are. AND ALL THE BETTER THEATRES SHCW THEM h/wnount — (let craft oMotlon ^pictures