Wid's year book (1919)

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PICTURE Good entertainment for the public, good money for the exhibitors. High class productions, the best stars, the biggest authors, the finest directors, the most artistic camera work. It is almost impossible to make a standardized picture, but Goldwyn has come pretty near to it. Every Goldwyn picture faces a board of critics within the organization. Each critic watches for certain character¬ istics, and unless he feels that the picture passes, the whole production is held up. Every Goldwyn picture runs this gauntlet, and when it reaches the theatre the chances are a hundred to one that it is going to make good. The meaning of the words * ‘Goldwyn Pictures’ * in a sentence is this : They are well made, certain to be money makers and are backed up by a corps of service men who will see to it that no stone is leftunturned to get the crowds. GOLDWYN PICTURES CORPORATION Samuel Goldwyn President