The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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The Art of Make-up 23 Brunettes, which represent the normal types. The art of make-up is comparable to the art of portrait painting. Both have a comnion principle of developing and affect the appearance of the face. The portrait artist makes a rough sketch to get the true proportions, so that he may capture the expressions Afterwards, he develops depth. In just the same way, the make-up artist must develop the depth from the proportions of the features, in addition to the correct colourings. He must determine how to apply eye shadow and cheek rouge in proportion to the type of face. On a long face he must counteract length. On a round face, he must develop a more oval effect, for the oval face is the accepted standard of beauty. Make-up is easy if you learn the correct method, and if you select all your cosmetics in perfect '' colour harmony " with your individual com plexion. If this is not .so, they clash and produce an unnatural, bizarre effect. When making-up, each feature must be considered individually and as a part of the harmonious whole. The face, the eyes, the lips — ea,ch should be beautified in make-up, which should I not be used in a haphazard fashion, , but applied according to certain wcU \ defined principles of cosmetic art I For over twenty-five years I have j studied make-up facts. I have made 1 up thousands of faces. I have con ! suited with hundreds of the leading I stars. From this wide practice and j experience, a simple make-up method I has been devised to suit women all ; over the world, as well as screen [ and stage stai's. I Under the blazing Cahfornian sun . you will find some of the loveliest women in the world. This climate is the severest test of make-up, yet '■ colour-harmony " has given a peachlike quality to the complexions of the , women whom you will see on the : boulevards of Hollywood and the avenues of Beverly Hills. Every woman can enjoy the feeling i of poise and satisfaction, the added ! confidence and interest that properly I applied make-up gives her. Up to within a few years ago, make-up for the eyes was considered only suitable for the stage Now the smartest women in the world add to the beauty of those ' windows of the soul." Your eyes properly made up will appear larger and more brilliant. They will increase the magnetism of your personality You have often marvelled at the beautiful eyes of screen stars. Do as they do 1 It is simple. The Eyes Make-up for the eyes depends on three things : eye shadow applied to the upper lids, to give the eyes added depth and expression and to harmonize the small area around the eyes with the rest of your makeup mascara, to make the eyelashes heavier and longer and to accentuate the beauty of the eyes ; and eyebrow pencil to give the eyQbrows a more pronounced shape, to define slightly the outline of the eyes. All these, applied delicately and artistically, result in added attractiveness. The purpose of make-up is to accentuate and enhance the tints already in your skin, while the object ol it is to produce naturalness, so that the result will be as pleasmg at a distance as from within a few feet. Foi, if you have applied make-up intelligently and artistically the colours will be delicate and tender, giving you a clean fresh, wholesome appearance. In other words, aim for a natural beauty. I have myself made-up hundreds of ■ stars," and I have supervised the making-up of thousands ot actresses as well as that of many society women. Every possible method has been used within my knowledge. I have always striven for the greatest enhancement of beauty. The method I give you now has been adopted as the best First : Cleanse the skin, removing every particle of make-up each night before retiring. Always have the skin absolutely clean before applying fresh make-up. Soap and water is the simplest method of cleaning, combined with good cleansing cream. Before making-up for the day.