The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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70 (DE B-DEL) Biographies of the Players (Para), The One Woman Idea (Fox), Trent's Last Case (Fox), Tonple Tower (Tiffany), Sunny Skies (Tiffany), The Barrier (M.G.M.), The Mad Parade (Para), The Sky Raiders (Col), Fightin' Mad (Tiffany), Texas Sheriff (Col), Train Mystery (Continental), Arm of the Law (Mono), The Fighting Fool (Col), From I3roadway to Cheyenne (Mono). DE BRULIER, Nigel. Black hair, brown eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 8 in. Wt. 9 St. 2 lb. Has done extensive screen work in Hollywood, plaj'ing with Pioneer, Fox, Allied, Selznick, jM.G.M. and Warner. Played in : The Beloved Rogue (U.A.), The Gaucho (U.A.), Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (M.G.), The Three Musketeers (U.A.), Salome (U.A.), Hunchback of Noire Dame (Univ), The Romance of a Queen (M.G.), Rupert of Hentzau (M.G.), Ben Hur {M.G.M.), Don Juan (Warner), Two Lovers {\J.A.},LovesofanActress{PaTa.),TheDiviue Sinner (Ra^'art), Me Gangster (Fox), Wings (Para), The Wjieel of Life (Para), The Iron Mask (U.A.), Noah's Ark (Warner), Green Goddess (Warner), Golden Dawn (Warner), Moby Dick (Warner), Son of India (M.G.M.), Miss Pinkcrton (F.N.), Thru' Different Eyes (Fox). DEE, Frances. B. Los Angeles, Nov. 26. Brown hair, blue eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 3 in. Wt. 7 St. 9 lb. Ed. University of Chicago. First work on the screen was for Fox. A very successful performance in a small part in Follow lliru' gained for her a Paramount contract, 1930. Also Played in : Playboy of Paris (Para), Along Came Youth (Para), Caught (Para), June Moon (Para), An American Tragedy (Para, not shown in this country). Rich Man's Folly (Para), Nice Women (Univ), The Reckless Age (Para), Sky Bride (Para), Strange Case of Clara Deanc (Para), Love is a Racket (F.N.), Night of June 13 (Para). DELANEY, Charles. B. New York City, Aug. g, 1897. Brown hair, brown eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 10^ in. Wt. II St. 8 lb. M. Mary Meek. After brief stage experience took up film work, one of his earliest films being The Main Event (Pathe, 1927). Also Played in : Kathleen Mavourneen (Fox), College Days (Tiffany), The Cohens and Kellys (Univ), 'Frisco Sally Levy (M.G.M.,), The Thirteenth Hour (M.G.jNI.), Love Lorn, The Adventurer ( M . G . M . ) , The Branded Man (Gotham), After the Storm (Gotham), Home, James (Univ), Show Girl (F.N.), Do Your Duty (F.N.), Tlie Air Circus (Fox), Stool Pigeon (Co\), The River (Fok), The Fakir (Col), Broadway Babies (F.N.), Hard to Get (F.N.), Girl from Woolivorth's (F.N.), Around the Corner (Col), Air Police (W.W.), Hell Bent for 'Frisco (W.W.), Endurance Flight (Radio), Millie (Radio) Air Patrol (Univ), The Man Hunter (Warner), The Big Timer (Col), Pretty Ankles (Like), Lonesome Trail, Hearts of Humanity (?vlajestic). DELL, Claudia. Real name, Claudia Dell Smith. B. San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 10, 1910. Blonde hair, hazel eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 5 in. Wt. 8 St. 4 lb. Ed. San Antonio High School ; IMexico City School. A chance meeting with Flo Ziegfeld soon after she left school, resulted in her being given a part in his Follies. Later she came to London with the company. Merry Mary. Warner Bros, gave her her first screen opportunity in Sweet Kitty Bellairs (1930). Also Played in : Big Boy (Warner), Fifty Million Frenchmen (Warner), Bachelor Apartment (Radio), Sit Tight (Warner), Sporting Chance (Peerless), Left-Over Ladies (Tiffany), Her Dilemma (Para), Scandal for Sale (Univ), Destry Rides Again (Univ), Midnight Lady (Chesterfield), Hearts of Humanity (Majestic). DEL RIO, Dolores. Maiden name, Asunsolo. B. Durango, IMexico, Aug. 3, 1905. Bfack hair, brown eves. Ht. 5 ft. 3| in. Wt. 8 st. 3 lb. Ed. St. Joseph's Convent, I\Iexico City. M. (i) Jaime Martinez del Rio; he d. 1928 ; (2) Cedric Gibbons (art director of Metro-Goldwyn--\Iayer), Aug. 1930. Is an accomplished linguist, speaking Spanish, French, German and EngHsh. Made her screen debut in 1925 in the film Joanna (F.N.). Visited London in Aug., 192S. Also Played in : What Price Glory ? (Fox), High Steppers (F.N.), Pals First (F.N.), Resurrection (U.A.), Rainona (U.A.), Revenge (U.A.), The Red Dance (Fox), Evangeline (U.A.), Trail of '98 (M.G.M. ), The Bad One (U.A.), Hell's Harbour (U.A.), The Dove (Radio), Bird of Paradise (Radio). DELROY, Irene. B. Bloomington, 111. Light brown hair, blue eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 2 in. Ed. Chicago ; NewYork. Her stage debut was with Mary Garden