The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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(HAI-HALj Biograpliies of the Players footlights and Fools (F.N.), Niimhered Men (F.N.), On Your Back (Fox), The Sea Wolf (Fox), The Cat Creeps (Univ), Seed (Univ). HAINES, Robert T. B. Muncie, Indiana. Ed. University of Missouri. M. JNlrs. William McDovv'ell. Began his stage career in Washington, D.C. In 191 1 ran his own company in New York. Later appeared in stage productions of Dope and The Donovan Affair. Played in : The Capitol (Pathe), Does It Pay ? (Fox), The Governor's Lady (Fox), The Lone IFo// (Pathe), Lew Tyler's Wives (Preferred), Ladies of the Mob (Para), The First Kiss (Para), Ten Minutes, The Noose (F.N.), Dynamite (M.G.M.), Careers (F.N.), The Shannons of Broadway (Univ), The Girl in the Glass Cage (F.N.), The Victim, The Secret Agent, The Heart of Neiv York (Warner). HAINES, William. B. Staunton, Virginia, Jan. I, I goo. Black hair, brown eyes. "Ht. 6 ft. Wt. 11 st. 11 lb. Ed. Staunton Military Academy. Went to New York soon after leaving .school ; was stopped in the street by a Goldwyn " scout " and entered for a " new faces " competition, which he won. Thence to Hollywood, with Eleanor Boardman, another winner. Film debut. Three Wise Fools (M.G.M., 1923). Also Played in : Tower of Lies (MG.M,), Mike (M.G.M.), Brown of Harvard (M.G.M.), Tell It to the Marines (M.G.M.), Little Journey (M.G.M.), Spring Fever (M.G.M.), Slide, Kelly, Slide (M.G.M.), West Point (M.G.M.), Telling the World (M.G.M.),' Excess Baggage (M.G.M.), Alias Jimmy Valentine (M.G.M'^), The Duke Steps Out (M.G.M.), The Hollywood Review (M.G.M.) , A Man's Man (M.G.M.), Show People (xM.G.M.), Speedway (M.G.M.), Navy Blues (M.G.M.). Easv Going (Artclass), The Girl Said No (M.G.M.), Wav Out West (M.G.M.), Are Yon Listening? (M.G.:\I.), Remote Control (M.G.M.), New Adventures of Get Rich Ouick Wallingford (M.G.M.), Tailor-Made Man (M.G.M.), Dancing Partner (M.G.'M.), The Smart Set (M.G.M.), Let's Go (M.G.M.). HALE, Alan. B. Washington, B.C., Feb. 10, 1S92. Ht. 6 ft. 2 in. Wt. 15 st. 10 lb. M. Gretchen Hartman (his leading lady in the Biograph days). Went into the newspaper business as a boy of fourteen but gave it up for the stage. After five years' experience, entered pictures and won a reputation for his portrayal of villainous roles. Became a director in 1923 and has since acted in and directed man\' American films. His first film was The Coivboy and the Lady (Para, 1922). Also Played in : Fighting Rev. Watts (Lubin), The Wise Fool (Para), The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (M.G.M.), The Dictator (Para), One Glorious Day (Para), Robin Hoed (U.A.), The Covered Wagon (Para), Black Oxen (F.N.), Hollyivood (Para), Rolling Stones (Para), The Leopard Ladv (Pathe), Skyscraper (Pathe), The Cop (Pathe), Poiver "(Pathe), Sal of Singapore (Pathe), The Spieler (Pathe), The Leatherneck (Pathe), A Bachelor's Secret, Red Hot Rhythm (Pathe), Sailor's Holiday (Pathe) The Sap (Warner), Sea Ghost (Peerless), So Big (Warner), Gentleman For a Day (F.N.), The Rise of Ilelga {M.G.M). Night Angel (Para), Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (Fox), Match King (Warner). HALE, Louise Closser. B. Chicago, 111., Oct. 13, 1872. Ed. Indianapolis; American Academy of Dramatic Art. M. Walter Hale. Has written many short stories and dramatic sketches. Author of Her Soul and Her Body, the book which she eventually dramatized. Achieved considerable success on the American stage ; visited London in 1907 in the stage play, Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch. Some of her best film w-ork was in Daddy Long Legs (Fox, 1931). Also Played in : Letty Lynton (M.G.M.), Devotion (Pathe), Pla'tinum Blonde (Col), Rebound (Pathe), The Silent Voice (Warner), Shanghai Express (Para), New Morals for Old (M.G.M.), Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (Fox), Movie Crazy (Para), Rasputin (M.G.M.). HALE, SoNNiE. Real name, John Robert Hale Monro. B. London, May i, 1902. Light brown hair. Ed. Beaumont College, Old Windsor. M. (i) Evelyn Laye ; div. Jan., 1931 ; (2) Jessie Matthews, 193 1. Is well known on the musical comedy stage. Made his first appearance in London, 1921, in the chorus of Fun of the Fair. His sister is Binnie Hale, famous revue star. Made his screen debut in Happy Ever After (Gau-U.F.A., 1932). Also Played in : Tell Me To-night (Gau-Brit). Early to Bed (Gau-U.F.A.). HALL, Evelyn. B. Harrogate, Yorks, Dec. 24. Medium brown hair, dark blue eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 6 in. Wt. 9 st 3 lb.