The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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98 (HAY-HEN) Biographies of the Players well-known in Japanese versions of Shalcespeare's plays. Made an outstanding success as Othello. His screen debut was in The Typhoon (Para, 1914), after which lie played in many Oriental roles. Appeared in a sketch together with his wife at the London Coliseum in 1923, when he also made a British picture. Left the screen for a time and appeared in vaudeville, but made a " come-back " in Daughtev of the Dragon (Para, 1931). Also Played in : The Man Who Laughed Last, A Secret Sin (Para), Honourable Friend (Para), The Cheat (Lasky), Loyalty (Bernstein). HAYDON, Julie. Real name, Donella Donaldson. B. Oak Park, Illinois. Blonde hair. Ed. Gordon School for Girls, Hollywood. While still at school she showed remarkable ability as an actress and scored her first success in the title role of her school's presentation of Cinderella. On leaving school, she became professionally interested in acting, and has many successful performances to her credit. Played IN : The Great Meadow (M.G.M.) , The Beast of the City (M.G.M.). Westward Passage (Radio), Thirteen Women (Radio), Come on, Danger (Radio), Conquerors (Radio) . HAYES, Helen. Real name, Plelen Hayes Brown. B. Wa.shington, D.C., Oct. 10, igoi. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Ht. 5 ft. I in. Wt. 7 St. 2 lb. Ed. at convent in Washington. M. Charles MacArthur ; dau., 1930. Varied stage experience preceded her film debut in The Lullaby (M.G.M. , 1931), in which she won great praise for her first .screen performance. Also Played in : Arrowsmith (U.A.), Farewell to Ar)ns (Para). Roses of Picavdy (Gains), Sea Urchin (Gains), Rollin' Road (Gains), Boa-' dicca, King's Highivay (Stoll), Constant Nymph (Gains), Passing of Mr. Quin (Cattermoul), Glamour (B.LP.), The Love Habit (B.I. P.), The Compulsory Husband (B.I. P.). The " W •• Plan (Burlington), A Symphony in Two Flats (Gains), Brother Alfred (B.I. P.), Fires of Fate (B.I. P.), Help Yourself (W.B.-F.N.), A Letter of Warning (W.B.-F.N.), Good Night Vienna (B. & D.), Indiscretions of Eve (B.I. P.), After the Ball (Gau-Brit). HELM, Brigitte. B. Germany, 1908. Fair hair, blue eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 6 in. At the age of sixteen she gained worldwide fame' in the brilliant German film, Metropolis (U.F.A., 1924). After a successful career in German studios, came to London to play in British films. Will be remembered in the leading role of the British film Blue Danube (B. & D. 1932). Also Played in : Loves of Jeanne Ney (U.F.A.), At the Edge of the World (U'.F.A.), L'Atlantide (Pabst). HELMORE, Thomas. B. Kensington, London, Jan. 4, 1904. Fair hair, green eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 11 in. Ed. Tonbridge School. Began his career in an accountant's office, but was soon disillusioned about the attraction of figures. This change of taste led him to the stage, where, after a short while he joined Henry Edwards' company in The Flag Lieutenant. Film debut, 1924. Played in : House of Unrest (Assoc Pic Pro), My Wife's Family [B.I.V.), The Shadow Between (B.I.P.), Blind Spot (W.B.-F.N.), The King's Cup (B. & D.), Above Rubies (Pugh), House Opposite (B.I. P.), The Barton Mystery (ParaBrit). HEATHERLEY, Clifford. B. Preston, Lanes, Oct. 8, 1888. Son of Dr. Hugh Lamb (of Guy's Hospital). Brown hair, grey-green eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 8 in. Ed. Preston Grammar School ; privately. M. Ada Edith Wells, 1913. Descended from an old French Huguenot family (De Vezian of I-anguedoc). Before going to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art was a clerk in an accountant's office. Stage debut. His Majesty's Theatre, Feb., 1909. Was for a time manager of the Queen's Theatre, London. Screen debut, Henry VIII (1910). Also Played in : Blc^ k House (Ideal), Mademoiselle from Arnuniieres (Gau), HENRY, Charlotte V. B. 1915. Dark hair. Made a sensational stage debut at the age of fourteen, when she was chosen to play opposite Junior Durkin in Courage. Screen debut the film version of the same play (Warner, 1930). Also Played in : Huckleberry Finn (Para), Arrowsmith (U.A.), Forbidden (Col), Lena Rivers (Tiffany), Rebecca oj Sunnybrook Farm (Fox). HENSON, Leslie. B. London, Aug. 3, 1 89 1. Dark hair and eyes. Ed. Emmanuel School, London, M. (i) Madge Saunders ; (2) Gladys Gunn. Although formerly engaged in business