The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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Biographies of tlie Players (LOY-LUP) M.G.M.). The Woman in Room 13 (Fox), Vanity Fair (Allied), New Morals for Old (AI.G.M.). Love Me To-night (Para), Thirteen Women {Rd.6.\o), Mask ofFuManchii (M.G.M.), Animal Kingdom (Radio). LOYD, Alison. See TODD, Thelma. LUGOSI, Bela. Real name, Bela Lugosi Biasko. B. Lugos, Hungary, Oct. 20, 1888. Brown hair, grey eyes. Ht. 6 ft. I in. Wt. II St. 13 lb. Ed. Lugos ; Academy of Theatrical Arts, Buda pest. Married three times. Achieved great success in Hungary, but was compelled by the Bela Kun uprising to flee to New York, where he formed his own company of Hungarian players and began his career again. His screen debut occurred in 19 15, in Budapest, but he owes his success to the play Dracula, in which he played the namepart on the New York stage, and in the talkie version produced by Universal, 1031 Also Played in : Last of the Mohicans (Luna), Silent Command (Fox), Rejected Woman (M.G.M.), Daughters Who Pay Banner), Midnight Girl (Chadwick), Primers (F.N.), Thirteenth Chair (M.G.jNL). Wild Company (Fox), Women of All Xations (Fox), Broadminded (F.N.), Black Camel (Fox), Murders in the Rue Morgue (Univ), White Zombie (Halperin), Chand lithe Magician (Fox). LUKAS, Paul. B. Budapest, Hungary, Mav 26, 1S95. Brown hair, brown eyes. Ht.'' 6 ft. 2 in. Wt. 13 St. Ed. Preparatory School and College at Budapest ; Actors Academy of Hungary. Married. Stage debut 1916 in the title-role of Franz Molar's Liliom. Remained in Budapest for nine years, playing every conceivable character in the works of Sliakespeare, Shaw, Wilde, etc. Screen lehut with U.F.A. in the role of Samson m Samson and Delilah (1926). .\lso Played in : Loves of an Actress (Para), Three Sinners (Para), The Woman from Moscow (Para), Hot News (Para), Manhattan Cocktail (Para), The Shopworn ■ingel (Para), Two Lovers (U.A.), The Night Watch (F.N.), The Wolf of Wall Street (Para). Halfway to Heaven (Para), Behind the Make-up (Para), The Benson Murder Case (Para), The Devil's Holiday Para), Slightly Scarlet (Para), Young Eagles (Para), Grumpy (Para), Anybody's Woman (Para), Beloved Bachelor (Para), The Right to Love (Para), Women Love Okc« (Para), Unfaithful (Para.), City Streets (Para), No One Man (Para), To-morrow and To-morrow (Para), Working Girh: (Para), Strictly Dishonourable (Univ), Thunder Below (Para), Downstairs (I\LG.M.). Burnt Offering (Fox), Rockabye (Radio), Nagana (Univ). LUNT, Alfred, B. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A., 1893. Ed. Carroll College, Waukesha, Wi.sconsin ; Harvard. M. Lynn Fontanne, 1924. His first appearance on the stage was at Boston, U.S.A., in 1913. After many years' experience in stock companies he became a prominent figure of the Theatre Guild, New York. Visited London, 1929, and together with his wife appeared at the St. James's Theatre in Caprice. His first film \va.s Backbone (M.G.M., 1923). In 1930 he received the honorary degree of DOv:tor of Letters from the Carroll College, U.S.A. Also Played in : The Guardsman (M.G.:\t.). LUPINO, Stanley. B. London, May 15, 1S95. Dark brown hair, hazel eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 6 in. Wt. 9 St. 10 lb. Ed. London. M. Connie Emerald, 1914 ; 2 dau. Ida 1916, Rita 1920. Is a member of the famous Lupino family which dates back to 1703. Was trained by his father and made his stage debut at Hoxton, London, Christmas igoo, as a monkey in the pantomime King Klondyke. Is famous in musical comedy, variety and pantomime in London. Went to New York in 1926 in Naughty Riquette. Made his film debut in Love Lies (B.I. P.), 1931. Also Played in : The Love Race (B.I. P.). Sleepless Nights (B.I.P.). LUPINO, Wallace. B. Edinburgh, 1897. Fair hair, grey eyes. Ht. 5 ft 8 in. Wt. I2st. 7 lb. Ed. South London Grammar School. M. Rose Winona Keaton, 1927 (niece of Buster Keaton). I son, Harry Richard, 1929. Another member of the famous Lupino family ; cousin to Stanley Lupino. Made his stage debut in Babes in the Wood, 1904, and his film debut fourteen years later in Mr. Butterburn (1918). Has been for four years with Educational Comedies in Hollywood. Now playing in British films. .\lso Playeh, in : Children of Chance (B.I P), Yellow Ma-k (B.I. P.), No Ladv (Gau-Brit), Never Trouble Trouble (StoU), Love Lies (B.I. P.), Love Race (B.I. P.) Bad Companions (B.I. P.), Pyjamas Preferred (B.I. P.) Innocents of Chicago (B.I. P.), Bull Rushes (B.I. P.). Step Me (B.I. P.), Old Spanish Customers (B.I. P.), Maid of the Mountains (B.I. P.).