The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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172 (VAL-VEL) Biographies o! the Players success, when he was making £1,400 pt.r week, he renounced his own nationaUty and became an American citizen. In 1923 wrote a book of poems entitled " Daydreams." His funeral was preceded by a public lying-in-state, and thousands of devoted fans went to see their hero. There is a children's ward at the Italian hospital in London sponsored by the Valentino Memorial Association. Also Played in : The Sheik (Para), Blood and Sand (Para), Cobra (Para), Monsieur Beaiicaire (Para), The Sainted Devil (Para), The Eagle (U.A.), Once to Every Woman (Holubar), Conquering Power (Rex Ingram), The Son of the Sheik (U.A.). VALLI, Virginia. Real name, Virginia McSweeney. B. Chicago, 111., June 10. Dark hair, blue eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 4 in. Wt. 8 St. 8 lb. Ed. Wendell Phillips' High School, Chicago. ?tl. Charles Farrell. Following a very brief appearance on the stage made her debut in motion pictures in 191 5. Has since played in numerous films and the talkies have added to her reputation as an actress. Played in : Street of Illusion (Pathe), Isle of Lost Ships (F.N.), Signal Toit'cr (Univ), Wild Oranges (M.G.M.), Escape (Univj, Siege (Univ), Watch Your Wife (Univ), The Family Upstairs (Fox), Flames (Pathe), Stage Madness (Fox), Ladies Must Dress (Fox), Evening Clothes (Para), East Side, West Side (Fox), Marriage (Fox), Paid to Love (Fox), Judgment of the Hills (Radio), Behind Closed Doors (Col), Storm (Univ), Mr. Antonio, (Tiffany), The Lost Zeppelin (Tiffany), Guilty (Col). VARCONI, Victor. B. Kis-Varda, Hungary, March 31, 1896. Brown hair and eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 10 in. Wt. 12 st. 12 lb. Ed. Grammar School, Budapest ; Commercial College ; Actors' Art High School (Sfinrayveszeti Academi). Was a Shakespearean actor at the TransylvaniaNational Theatre, Roumania, and secured an engagement with the National Theatre, Budapest, which is the highest success an Hungarian actor can achieve. Made films in Budapest ; then joined U.F.A., Berlin, and later went to Vienna to make Sodom and Gomorrah. His first American film was Triumph (Para, 1924). Also Pl.\yed in : Changing Husbands (Para), Feet of Clay (Para), The Dancers, Last Days of Pompeii (S.I.G.F.), The Volga Boatmen (Path^), The Angel of Broadway (Path^), Chicago (Pathe), King of Kings (De Mille), Tenth Avenue (Pathe), Sinners Parade (Col), The Divine Lady (F.N.), Eternal Love (U.A.), Caplain Thunder (Warner), Doctors' Wives (Fox,) The Black Camel (Fox), Men in Her Life (Col), Lost Lady (F.N.), Doomed Battalion (Univ) The Rebel (Univ). VAUGHN, Alberta. B. Ashland, Kentucky, June 27, 1908. Auburn hair, brown eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 2 in. Wt. 7 st. 5 lb. Ed. local schools, Ashland. Made her screen debut in 1925, and rose to be leading lady in Mack Sennett's comedies. Also played the leading role in H. C. Whitworth's series for Radio — Fighting Blood, Adventures of Mazie, Telephone Girl, and others. Also Played in : Skyscraper (Pathe), Forbidden Hours (M.G.M.), The Record Breaker (Darmour), Noisy Neighbours (Pathe), Molly and Me (Tiffany), Points West (Univ), As You Make It (Radio), Meet the Quince (Radio), Love's Labour Found (Radio), They Shall Not Pass Out (Radio), Caplain of the Roll (Radio), Eventually, but not Now (Radio), T/ie Sleeping Cufie (Radio), Lose and Foundered (Radio), Old Vavnps for New (Radio), The Setting Son (Radio), The Dear Slayer (Radio), Cash and Marry (Radio), Land of Sky Blue Daughters (Radio), Spell of the Circus (Univ), Speed (Sennett), Wild Horses (Tec-Art), Bargain Day (Educ), Show of Shows (Warner), Working Girl (Para), Wild Horse (Allied), Dancers in the Dark (Para),Z.ot'e in High Gear (Action), Pretty Ankles (Like). VEIDT, Conrad. B. Berhn, Germany, Jan. 22, 1893. Brown hair, blue eyes. Ht. 6 ft. 2 in. Wt. II St. II lb. Ed. Berlin High School. Married ; i son. Was a pupil of Max Reinhardt and played on the stage with Emil Jannings. Famous for film work in Germany, Great Britain and America. IN : The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Decla), Waxworks (Viking), Lady Hamilton (Lubitsch German), Lucrezia Borgia (Lubitsch German), Brothers Schellenberg (U.F.A.), Prince Cuckoo (Viking), Henry IV. (German), The Student of Prague (Sokal), The Beloved Rogue (U.A.), A Man's Past (Univ), Magic Flame (U.A.), The Man Who Laughs (Univ), Erik the Great (German), In Dalarna and Jerusalem (German), Last Performance (Univ), Black Hussar (U.F.A.), Njii (Rimax), Hands of Orlac (Para), The Last Company (U.F.A.), Congress Dances (U.F.A.), Rome Express (Gains), F. P. I. (Gau-U.F.A.), Cape Forlorn (U.F.A.-B.I.P., German version). VELEZ, LuPE. Real name, Liipe Velez de Villalobos. B. San Louis Potosi,