The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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(BEL-BOR) Biographies of Film Directors BELL, MoNTA. B. Washington D.C. Dark brown hair, blue eyes. Ht. 6 ft. 3 in. Wt. 12 St. 7 lb. Ed. Eastern High School ; public school. Spent two years on the stage in a stock company before he went into motion pictures. Went to Paramount Long Island studios (1930). Directed : The Bellamy Trial (M.G.M.), Young Man of Manhattan (Para), Behind the Makeup (Para), East is West (Univ), Fires of Youth (Univ), Up for Murder (Univ), Personal Maid (Para), Downstairs (M.G.M.). BENTLEY, Thomas. B. London. Ed. Westminster School. Bentley, who is one of Britain's leading directors, was originally intended for an sngineer. Disliking machines he adopted a career on the variety stage, and eventually went into the film world. His first experience of direction was Oliver Twist (La sky 1910). He is now under a contract to B.I. P. Directed : David Copperfield, The Chimes, Hard Times, Barnaby Rudge (Hepworth), Beau Brocade, Milestones (Samuelson) The Labour Leader, Daddy (British Actors) Les Cloches de Cornsville, Once upon a Time (British Actors), The Divine Gift (British Actors), General Post (Ideal), Beyond the Dreams of Avarice (Ideal), A Master of Craft (Ideal), Adventures of Mr. Pickwick (Ideal), Old Curiosity Shop (Welsh-Pearson), Through Fire and Water (Ideal), Old Bill Through The Ages (Ideal), Money Isn't Everything (Stoll), A Romance ofMavfair (Stol'l), While Heat (B.I.P.), the Silver Lining (B.I. P.), Not Quite a Lady (B.I.F.), Young Woodley (B.I. P.), The American Prisoner (B.I. P.), Harmony Heaven (B.I. P.), Compromising Daphne (B.I. P.), Keepers of Youth (B.I. P.), Hobson's Choice (B.I. P.). After Office Hours (B.I. P.), Last Coupon (B.I. P.), London Wall (B.I. P.), Sleepless Nights (B.I. P.). BERGER, LuDWiG. B. Mainz, Germany. Brown hair, blue eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 9 in. Wt. 10 St. 10 lb. Ed. Hermanistsches Gymnasium ; University of INIunich ; Heidelberg. Is an accomplished niusician, having composed numerous songs. Produced several plays in Germany, among them an adaption of Shakespeare's Cymbeline. Having more than fifty plays to his credit he then turned his attention to motion pictures, one of his earliest successes being The Waltz Dream (U.F.A., 1926). Three or four smaller pictures, however, preceded this but were not seen outside Germany, with the exception of Cinderella (Decla, 1923). American film debut. The Woman from Moscow (Para, 1928). Directed : A Glass of Water (German), Master of Niirnlnirg (a version of the JMeistersingers ; Phoebus, German), 5i»s of the Fathers (Para), Fighting the White Slave Traffic, Burning Heart, (German), Playboy of Paris (Para), Vagabond King (Para). BERN, Paul. B. Wandsbeck, Germany, Dec. 3, 1889. Brown hair, hazel eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 6 in. Wt. 10 St. Ed. New York City public schools ; American Academy of Dramatic Art. M. Jean Harlow (1932). D. tragically September, 1932. Was in the theatre from 1911 to 1915, working in all its branches as actor, stage manager, and producer. After that he broke into motion pictures, -working in various capacities until he became a director. He was quickly promoted to higher tasks, becoming an executive with M.G.M. in 1926. After a short time at the Pathe studios as a producer he rejoined M.G.M. in 1930 as production supervisor. Directed : Open All Night (Para), The Dressmaker from Paris (Para), The Flower of Night (Para). BLYSTONE, John G. B. Rice Lake Wisconsin. Ed. University of Wisconsin. Started his career in motion pictures in 191 6 when he worked as property man. ]VIost of his directing career has been spent with Fox. Directed : The Family Upstairs (Fox). Slaves of Beauty (Fox), Pyjamas (Fox). Mother Knows Best (Fox), Captain Lash (Fox), Through Different Eyes (Foxl, Big Party (Fox), The Sky Hawk (Fox), So This is London (Fox), Tol'able David (U.A.), Mr. Lemon of Orange (Fox), Men on Call (Fox), Young Sinners (Fox), She Wanted a Millionaire (Fox), Charlie Chan's Chance (FoxV, Amateur Daddy (Fox), Jubilo (Fox). BORZAGE, Frank. B. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1894. Ed. Salt Lake City. At thirteen decided on a stage career and spent all his savings on tuition. Later he joined a touring companj-, and eventually, at the age of nineteen, went to Hollywood. Played as an extra for some time and was then awarded featured roles by Thomas Ince. Borzage then ran his ov>-n company for a short time, playing