The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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(DAU-DE M) Biographies of Film Directors Directed ; The Wonderful Story (Wilcox), Flames of Passion (Wilcox), Paddy the Next Best Thing (Wilcox), Woman to Woman (Graham Cutts Production), Eternal Survivor (Balcon, Fredman & Saville), The Passionate Adventure (Gains), The Blackguard (Gains), The Prude's Fall (Gains), The Rat (Gains), The Sea Urchin (Gains), The White Shadoio, The Rolling Road (Gains), Confetti (F.N.). The Triumph of the Rat (Gains), God's Clay (F.N.), Glorious Youth (F.N.), Chance the Idol (Sokal), Return of the Rat (Gains), Temperance Fete (Eric Hakim), Love on the Spot (A.R.P.), The Sign of Four (A.R.P. co-directed). Looking on the Bright Side (A.R.P. co-directed). D DAUMERY, John. B. Brussels, 1898. Went into the motion picture business after serving in the Belgian army during the war. His first work was with Metro pictures in America as assistant-director. Thence he went to the South of France and joined Rex Ingram who runs his own independent production there. Later, Daumery went back to America to take up an appointment with Warner Bros. Came to England in 193 1 to work at the Warner Bros-First National studios at Teddington. Directed : Postal Orders (W.B.-F.N.), Help Yourself (W.B.-F.N.), A Letter of Warning (W.B.-F.N.), The Blind Spot (W.B.-F.N.). DEAN, Basil. B. Croydon, Sept. 27, 1888. M. (i) Esther Van Gruisen ; dissolved, 1925 ; (2) Lady Mercy Greville, 1925 ; dissolved, 1932. Has had a long and very distinguished connection with the stage in London as actor, producer and also in management. During the war he was head of the entertainment branch of the Navj' and Army Canteen Board. Received the O.B.E., 1918. He is now in charge of the A.R.P. Studios at Ealing. Directed : Birds of Prey (A.T.P.), Sally in Our Alley (A.R.P.), Nitie Till Six (A.R.P.), Impassive Footman (A.R.P.), Looking on the Bright Side (A.R.P.), Escape (Radio-Brit). Co-Directed : Sign of Four (A.R.P.), Constant Nymph (Gains). DE COURVILLE, Albert. B. London, March 26, 1S87. Ed. London and Lausanne. M. (i) Shirley Kellogg ; dissolved ; (2) Edith Kelly Gould. Regarded as the foremost producer of revues in London. Won his great fame during the war 5-ears when his productions. being of the lightest sort, were much in demand among soldiers on leave. Has only recenth^ entered the film business. Directed': The Wolves (B. & D.), 77, Park Lane (F.P.G.), There Goes the Bride (Gains-B.L.), The Midshipmaid (GauBrit). DEL RUTH, Roy. B. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Ed. Schools of Philadelphia, Williamsport, and Brooklyn. Lived in London for a time, then returned to America and went into journalism. Film career began in 1915 as scenarist to Mack Sennett. In 191 7 began directing two-reel comedies, including all Turpin pictures for Sennett, but his rise to fame coincided with that of James Cagney whom he directed in most of his successes. Directed : Five and Ten Cent Annie (Warner), Powder My Back (Warner), Ham and Eggs at the Front (Warner), /// Were Single (Warner), The First Auto (Warner), Wolf's Clothing (Warner), Across the Pacific (Warner), Footloose Widows (Warner), The Man Upstairs (Warner), The Terror (Warner), Beware of Bachelors (Warner), The Desert Song (Warner), The Hottentot (Warner), Conquest (Warner), Gold Diggers of Broadway (Warner), Aviator (Warner), Hold Everything (Warner), Second Floor Mystery (Warner), Three Faces East (Warner), Divorce Among Friends (Warner), Life of the Party (Warner), My Past (Warner), Maltese Falcon (Warner), Larceny Lane (Warner), Side Show (Warner), Taxi (Warner), Beauty and the Boss (Warner), Winner Take All (Warner), Blessed Event (Warner), Employees' Entrance (Warner). DE MILLE, Cecil. B. Full name, Cecil Blount de Mille. B. Ashfield, Mass., Aug. 12, 1881. Grey hair, brown eyes. Ht. 5 ft. II in. Wt. 12 St. 8 lb. Ed. Pennsylvania Military College ; American Academy of Dramatic Arts, New York. M. Constance Adams, 1902. One of the most famous of all Hollywood's directors, and especially noted for the lavish scale on which some of his greatest productions have been made. Until 19 1 3, he was on the stage, and had succeeded equally as actor, playwTight. and manager. In 1913, he joined another great picture pioneer, Jesse L. Lask\and together they formed the company which became kno^^"n all over the world as Famous-Lasky and which later developed into the Paramount Company. His first film was The Squaw Man (Lasky, 1913), recentlv re-made as a talkie under the title of The White Man (M.G.M.. 1931). It was incidentallv the first film to be