The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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Biographies of Film Directors (MAS-MER) 199 Wrote : Facing the La:v (Para), The Big Fight (James Cruze Pro). Derelict {Para.) /Scandal Sheet (Para), City Streets (Para), Silence (Para). Directed : The Lawyer's Secret (Para), Shadow of the Law (Para). Co-Directed : Confessions of a Co-Ed (Para), Silence, with Louis Gasnier (Para), The Strange Case of Clara Deane, with Louis Gasnier (Para). MASSEY, Raymond. Director and actor. (See Players' biographies.) MAYO, Archie. B. New York City, 1S98. Black hair, blue eves. Ht. 5 ft. 8 in. \Vt. 14 St. 4 lb. 'Ed. New York public schools ; Columbia University. Spent his early career in musical shows touring through Australia and Europe as Avell as his own country. Fihn experience began when he obtained work as an extra. Then he became a gag-man and afterwards directed comedies for Stern Bros, and Christie. His first feature him was Quarantined Rivals (Gotham, 1927). He is known as one of Hollywood's most versatile directors. Also Directed : Johnny Get Your Hair Cut (M.G.M.), Money Talks (:M.G.M.), Dearie (Warner), Slightly Used (Warner), College Widow (Warner), Beivare of Married Men (Warner), Crimson City (Warner), Vengeance (Col), State Street Sadie (Warner), On Trial (Warner), My Man (Warner), Sonny Boy (Warner), The Sap (Warner), 7s Everybody Happy ? (Warner), The Sacred Flame (Warner), Wide Open (^^'arner), Oh, Sailor Behave ! (Warner), Handful of Clouds (Warner), Courage (Warner), Illicit (Warner), Svcngali (Warner), Bought (Warner), Under Eighteen (Warner), The Expert (Warner), Street of Women (Warner), Two Against the World (^^'arner), Night After Night (Para). MELFORD, George. B. Rochester, N.Y. Ed. McGill University, N.Y. Was an actor on the legitimate stage for seven years before turning his attention to motion pictures. Began with the Kalem Company as actor and, later, as director. Directed : A Man's Past (Univ), Freedom of the Press (Fox), Lingerie (Tiffany), Sinners in Loi'e (Radio), The Charlatan (Univ), Love in (he Desert (Radio), The Woman I Love (Radio), The Poor Millionaire (Biltmore), The Viking (Williams), East of Borneo (Univ), Lost Men (Univ), The Boiling Point (AUifd). MENDES, LoTHAR. B. Berlin, Germany, May 19, 1894. Brown hair, blue eyes. Ht. 5 ft. 7 in. Wt. lost. Began his career under the tutorship of Max Reinhardt in Berlin and Vienna. Remained on the stage for a while, then joined U.F.A. in Berlin, as a director. Was there seen by Robert T. Kane, and taken to the United States to direct The Prince of Tempters (1926), for First National. One of his best known films is probablj' Four Feathers (Para, 1930). This him, based on the book by A. E. W. Mason, created a sensation when shown in London. Also Directed : Cowfoy (F.N. ), Night of Alystery (Para), Interference (Para), Dangerous Curves (Para), Illusion (Para), Marriage Playground (Para), Lost Ecstasy (Para), The Children (Para), Paramount on Parade (Para), Ladies Man (Para), Strangers in Love (Para), Payment Deferred (M.G.M.). MENZIES, William Cameron. B. Newhaven, Connecticut, July 29, 1896. Ed. in Scotland ; at Yale College, U.S.A. On leaving college joined the Students' Art League in New York, but, before an opportunitj' of utilizing his talents came his way, America joined the war and he became an ensign in the American Navy. After the Armistice, obtained work with Famous Players as art director and followed this vocation until he v/as signed by Fox to direct pictures. Directed : The Spider (Fox), Almost Married, co-directed with M. Varnel (Fox), Always Goodbye, co-directed with Kenneth Mc Kennar (Fox) . MERCANTON, Louis. B. Switzerland, naturalized French. Ed. England. D. May, 1932. A talented director who worked in England, France and America. Began his career on the stage in South Africa, later becoming stage manager for Sir Herbert Tree. One of his earliest works was Queen Elizabeth (191 1), a Zukor picture, with Sarah Bernhardt in the title role, while among his later productions are numbered These Charming People (Para-Brit, 1931), and A Man of May fair (Para-Brit, 1932). During his long career he directed Constance Talmadge, Suzanne Grandi, Gaby Deslys, Fay Compton, Ivor Novello, Betty Balfour and Henri Garat. Also Directed ; Call of the Blood (Stoll), The Brat (Betty Balfour's ist talkie, Para-French), Cinders (Para-French), Mothers of France (French), Cherie (ParaFrench), II Est Channant (ParaFrench).