The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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Biographies of Film Directors (NIB-RAY) NIBLO, Fred. B. York, Neb., Jan, 6. Brown hair, brown eves. Wt. 12 st. 12 lb. Ed. York, Neb. M. Enid Bennett. Began his career on the stage, first as actor, then as producer and director. Has since toured in most parts of the world. His motion picture career dates back to the last eight years, during which he produced some of the greatest successes shown in this country, including Ben Hur (M.G.M., 1926), which ran in London for nearly two years. In 1932 came to London and produced Tivo White Arms (Eric Hakim) and Diamond Cut Diamond (Eric Hakim). A dispute with the proprietors led to his abandoning the latter production when it was half finished. Also Directed : Mark of Zorro (U.A.), Three Musketeers (U.A.), Blood and Sand (Para), The Temptress (JI.G.M.), Camille (F.N.), The Mysterious Lady (M.G.M.), Two Lovers (U.A.), Redemption (M.G.M.), Dream of Love (M.G.M., talkie version), Way Out West (M.G.M.), The Big Gamble (Rogers). PABST, G. W. Before entering the film world Pabst was connected with the theatre. His screen career began in 1923 v.hen he directed Greta Garbo in The Joyless Street (Sofar, 1925). One of his greatest assets lies in his ability to discover some unexploited talent in the women who come under his direction. Two outstanding examples are Brigitte Helm in The Love of Jeanne Ney (U.F.A.) when she played the part of the blind girl, and Louise Brooks as Lulu in Pandora's Box (Nero). He is also renowned for unusual lighting effects and camera angles. Possesses an unusually virile power of penetration into human mentality, and succeeds in his direction by psychological understanding. In collaboration with Freud he made Secrets of the Soul, while among his best known works is The Tragedy of the Mine, with Helena Manson, an actress discovered by himself. This film was shown in Great Britain, in 1932. Also Directed : Westfront 191 S, Don't Play With Love, Crisis, White Hell of Pitz Palu (Sokol, co-directed with Dr. Arnold Fanck), Die Drei Groschen Oper (A modern version of " The Beggar's Opera "), Diary of a Lost Girl, L'Atlantide (Xew version). POLLARD, Harry. B. Republic City. Kan., Jan. 23, 1S83. Ed. Fresno, Cal. 1\L Margarita Fischer. Before the films claimed his attention was a stage actor for ten years, plajdng leading parts on tour with stock companies. Broke into films as an actor, but later discovered that he had an aptitude for direction. Has since directed for Imperial, American, Goldwyn, National, World-Equitable and Universal. Directed : The Leather Pushers Series (Univ), Cohens and Kelly s (Univ), Poker Faces (Univ), Uncle Tom's Cabin (Univ), Show Boat (Univ), Shanghai Lady (Univ), To-night at Twelve (Univ), Ropes (Univ), Undertow (Univ), The Prodigal (M.G.M.), Shipmates (M.G.M.), When a Felloiv Needs a Friend (M.G.M.). Let's Go (M.G.M.) POWELL, Michael. Owes his early opportunities to Re:c Ingram by whom he was engaged, at Nice. Came to England as a camera mar*, later became assistant-director, and finally was given the opportunity of proving his directorial abilities in Tivo Crowded Hours (Film Engineering, 193 1). Also Directed : Rasp (Jackson), Caste (Rowson), My Friend the King (Film Engineering), C.O.D. (Jackson), Rynox (Jackson), Hotel Splendide (Jackson), His Lordship (Jackson), The Star Reporter (Fox-Brit). R RAWLINS, John. Was for a time editor-in-chief of the Warner Bros. -First National cutting rooms at Teddington. Joined the film industry in 1918, and has had experience as property-man, actor, assistant-director, gag-man and cutter. Was at one time cutter and gag-man to Reginald Denny, whom he served for five years, \^'as sent to London by Jack Warner of First National in 193 1. Directed : High Society (W.B-F.N.), Lucky Ladies (W.B-F.N.), Going Straight (W.B-F.N.). RAYMOND, Jack. B. Wimborne, Dorset. Made his appearance in motion pictures first as an actor, with the Hcpworth Company (1910). Continued in front of the camera for some while, before becoming a director. Directed : Second to None (Gau-Brit), Somehow Good (F.N.), Zero (Film Manufacturing), A Peep Behind the Scenes (B. & D.), Splinters (B. & D.), French Leave (D. & H. Cinemas), Speckled Band (Stoll), Tilly of Bloomsbury (Sterhng), Mischief (B. & D.), Life Goes On (Para-Brit), Looking on the Bright Side (A.R.P.), Say it with Music (B. & D.).