The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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(FLO-JOH) Other Film Personalities Is now producing Silly Sj'mphony cartoons for United Artists, an engagement which began in March, 1932. FLOTHOW, Rudolph. B. Frankfurt, Germany, Nov. 23, 1S95. Ed. High School, Wiesbaden. M. Martha Bourne. 1 son. Began his association with the motion picture industry in 19 15, with the old Paramount Company in New York. Later joined Fox in their New York exchange (1917). Was with Tiffany Productions Incorporated, 1926-1930, as special representative and in charge of the production of all shorts and all talking features produced by Tiffany in New York. Among the pictures which came under his supervision was Aloha. Is now president and general manager of Ambassador Pictures, Incorporated. GOLDWYN, Sam. B. Warsaw, Poland, Aug. 22, 1884. M. (i) Blanche Lasky, sister of Jesse Lasky ; dissolved 1915 ; (2) Frances Howard. One child. Began his biisiness career as a glove apprentice and such was his industry that later he was given an interest in the business. In 1910, with Jesse Lasky, he founded the Lasky Company, and three years later released the first picture which was to earn for his company a world-wide reputation. This was The Squaw Mail, starring Dustin Farnum, and directed by Cecil B. de Mille. In 191 7 Goldwyn was instrumental in bringing about the Famous Players Lasky merger and became that companj'-'s first chairman. In 1918, with Arch and Edgar Selwyn, he formed Goldwyn Pictures Corporation, of which he became president ; later he sold out his interest in this company to Metro's and started again as an independent producer, a policy which he has pursued ever since. Is now associated with United Artists Corporation and has been responsible for the release of, among other films. Bulldog Dnimmond, Arrowsmith, Palmy Days and Whoopee. On October 13, 1927, he was unanimously elected Owner-member of United Artists by the others, who include Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks, Charles Chaplin. Joseph ]\I. Schcnck and D. W. Griffith, Is credited with having discovered Ronald Colman, Vilma Banky, Lois Moran, Gary Cooper and Walter Byron. HAYS, Will H. B. Sullivan, Indiana, Nov. 5, 1S79. Ed. Wabash College (B.A., 1900 ; M.A., 1904) ; INIount Union College (Doctor of Laws Degree). At the age of 21 he was admitted to the Indiana Bar and later became a member of his father's firm. Hay & Hay, during which time he served' as City Attorney of Sullivan. During the wa'r held various state appointments, ultimately becoming Postmaster-General on the election of President Harding. This post he later resigned to become America's film dictator, at a salary of over ;^30,ooo, his actual title being President of the Motion Pictures Producers and Distributors of America, Inc. In this office he acts as censor, guide, philosopher and friend to the whole American film industry'. Under his rule, many reforms have taken place in the industry. He was instrumental in the formation of Film Boards of Trade. Also introduced local Arbitration Courts in at least 32 centres in the United States. His announcement that he would not sanction the pi'Oduction of any more gangster films caused consternation throughout the film world in 1931. By his efforts, more than 200 books have been kept off the screen, and he secured the agreement of the Motion Picture Industry to a new code of ethics, according to which the sanctity of marriage was to be upheld and nudity forbidden. Lender liis leadership the industry has risen to much higher levels of artistic achievement than hitherto. HUGHES, Howard. B. Houston, Tex., Dec. 24, 1904. Ed. Rice Institute, Houston. Began his motion picture career in 1926 but it was not until the release of the much discussed Hell's Angels that cinemagoers in this country became familiar with his name. Is president and sole proprietor of' the Houston Tool Company, and is reputed to be a millionaire. Other films which he has directed include Everybody's Acting, Two Arabian Knights, The Racket, The Mating Call and Front Page. JOHNSON, Martin E. B. Rockford, 111., Oct. 9, 1 884. M. Osa Leighty. Is a pioneer of the motion picture industry and during the early days toured the Western States of America with films he had taken on his expeditions, often using acetylene gas for illumination. One of his first feature films was Cannibals of the South Seas, produced in 191 2. Other films of the South Seas quickly followed, among them Captured by Cannibals, Head Hunters of Malekula and On the Borderland of Civilization. Has devoted practically the whole of his career to making expeditions for films in out-of-the-way parts of the globe. Among his more recent successes are Congorilla and Simba. His permanent address is Bo.x 51, Nairobi, British East Africa.