The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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When They Were Born (NAG-PID) 26i Name Date of Birth Year Nagel, Conrad March i6 1897 Naish, Carrol January 2i 1901 Napier, Diana 1908 Nares, Owen August II 1888 Neagle, Anna 1908 Nedell, Bernard October 14 1897 Nesbitt, Cathleen November 24 1889 Newall, Guy May 25 1885 Newcomb, Mary August 24 1897 Newell, David January 23 1905 Newland, Mary February' 7 1905 Nissen, Greta January 30 1906 Nixon, Marian October 20 1904 Nolan, iMarj December 18 1905 NoRRis, Nedra 1914 Norton, Barry June 16 1905 NovARRO, Ramon February 6 1899 NovELLO, Ivor January 15 1893 Nugent, Eddie February 7 1904 Nugent, Elliott September 20 1901 Oakie, Jack November 12 1903 Oberon, Merle February 19 1911 O'Brien, George April 1900 O'Brien, Pat November 11 1899 Oland, Warner October 3 18S0 Oliver, Guy 1875 Olivier, Laurence May 22 1907 O'Malley, Pat September 3 1892 O'Neil, Nance October 8 1874 O'Neil, Sally October 23 1910 O'Regan, Kathleen November 11 1904 O'Sullivan, Maureen May 17 1911 Owen, Reginald August 5 1887 Page, Anita August 4 1910 Pallette, Eugene July 8 1889 Parker, Cecilia April 26 1905 Paterson, Pat 1912 Peers, Joan 1911 Pendelton, Nat August 9 1899 Petrovitch, I\an 1899 Pickford, Jack 1896 Pickford, Mary April 8 1893 PiDGEON, Walter September 23 1S97