The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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(1923) 500 Famous Casts Vanity Fair Hugo-Baixin Production. From the novel by W. ]\I. Thackeray. Mabel Ballin Rebecca Sharp HoBART BoswoRTH Lord Sleyne George Walsh Raivdon Cratvley Earle Foxe Capt. Wm. Dobbin Harrison Ford George Osborne Eleanor Boardman .... Amelia Sedley WiLLARD Louis Joseph Sedley Laura La Varnie Miss Crawley William Humphreys Mr. Sedley Robert Mack Sir Pitt Crawley Tejipe Pigott Mrs. Sedley James Marcus Old Osborne Dorcas Matthews Lady Jane Eugene Acker Max Eddie Jones Fritz Rose Gore Jemima Pinkerton Mrs. a. Newton Miss Pinkerton Laura Pollard Mrs, Tinker .Sadie Gordon Miss Firkins Georgia Sherart Miss Briggs Pat Calhoun Mr. Quill Leo White Isadore B. Hyman Mr. Moss Otto Lederer Mr. Bloom Frank Hayes Mr. Wenham John McKinnon .... Capt. Machmitrdo Les B.\tes Air. Sharp Kathleen Chambers Airs. Sharp Otto Matiesen Nabnleon Virgin Queen, The Stuart Elackton Production. Lady Diana Manners The Virgin Queen Carlyle Blackwell Lord Robert Dudley M.\isie Fisher.. Alary, Qicoen of Scots Hubert Carter . . Sir William Cecil Walter Tennyson . . Viscount Hereford A. B. Imeson Borghese Wtlciam Luff Bishop de Quadra Norma Whalley .... Countess of Lennox Lionel 'D'A-RAGoyi Earl of Northumberland Marian Blackton Mary Arundel Violet Virginia Blackton .... Lettice Knollys Tom ITesklwood . . Prcstal the Astrologer Bernard Dudley Arthur Pole Voice From the Minaret, The First National. Norma Talmadge .... Lady Adriennc Carlyle Eugene O'Brien Andrew Fabian Edwin Stevens . . Lord Leslie Carlyle Winter Hall Bishop Ellsworth Carl Gerard Stanhope Barry Claire Du Brey . . Countess La Fontaine Lillian Lawrence Lady Gilbert Albert Fresco '. Seleim Wandering Jew, The Stoll. From E. Temple Thurston's famous play. IMatheson Lang Alatathias Hutin Britton Judith Winifred Izard Rachel Florence Saunders Joanne Hubert Carter The Ruler Lionel D'Aragon Raymond IVIalvina Longfellow .... Gianella Shayle Gardner Pictro Lewis Gilbert Alario IsoBEL Elsom Olalla Gordon Hopkirk Olalla's lover Hector Abbas Zapportas Louise Conti , Alaria Fred Raynham Grand Inquisitor Jerrold Robertshaw Texada Wee MacGreegor's Sweetheart Welsh-Pearson. Betty Balfour Christina Bunty Fosse Ditto, aged 7 M. A. Vv'etherell John Robinson' Lillian Christine .... Lizzie Robinson Mabel Archdall Aunt Purdie Bryan Powley Uncle Purdie Minna Grey Aunt Alary Purvis Cyril Percival Uncle Baldwin Denton Thompson .... Wiillie Thomson Nora Swinburne Jessie Alary iViARiE AuLT Aliss Tod Donald ]MacArdle AlacGrecgor Where the Pavement Ends Mktro-Goldwyn. Director: Rex Ingram. Adapted from the story " TJie Passion Vine," by John Russell. Edward Connelly .... Pastor Spencer Alice Terry .... Alatilda, his daughter Ramon Novarro Aloiauri Harry T. ^Iorey . . Captain Hull Grcgson John George . . Napuka Joe, his servant Within the Law First National. From the play by Bayard Veiller. Norma Talmadge ........ Alary Turner Lew Cody Joe Carson Jack Mulhall Dick Gilder Eileen Percy -^gg^^ Lynch Joseph Kilgour Edward Gilder Arthur S. Hull Demarest Helen Ferguson Helen Alorris Lincoln Plummer Cassidy Thomas Ricketts .... General Hastings Lionel Belmore Irwin Warde Crane English Eddie Eddie Boland Darcy Catherine Murphy.. Gilder's Secretary De Witt Jennings Burke