The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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500 Famous Casts (1927) 339 Mademoiselle from Armentieres Gaumont. Director : Maurice Elvcy. EsTELLE Brody .... Mademoiselle from Armeniieres Marie Ault Her Aunt John Stuart John Alf Goddard Fred Hu.MBERSTON Wright . . T/jfi OUl Soldier John Hamilton .. The Young Soldier Col. English, D.S.O., Albert Raymov Div. Com. Boris Ranevsky Liaison Officer Clifford Heatherley German Intelligence Officer Gabriel Rosca Monsieur Branz Sergeant L. Smith, V.C. . . The Sergeant Manon Lescaut U.F.A. Adapted from the tragic romance by Abbe Prevost and the Opera by Massenet. Lya de Putti Manon Lescaut Vladimir Gaidarow Des Grieux Eduard Rothauser Marshal des Grieux Fritz Greiner Marquis de Bli Hubert von AIeyerinck The Son ofde Bli Frida Richard 1 , , . ^ ^ Emilie Kurz ; ^^«''''« ^ ^"^'^ Lydia Potechina Siisanne Theodor Loos Tiberge Siegfried Arno Lescaut Trude Hesterberg Claire Marlene Dietrich Michelins Mare Nostrum (OUR SEA) Metro-Goldwyn. Director : Rex Ingram. Adapted from the novel by Blasco Ibanez. Uni Apolon The Triton Alex Nova .... Don Esteban Ferragut Kada-Abd-El-Kader . . His Son, Ulysses Hughie Mack Caragol Alice Terry Freya Talberg Antonio Moreno .... Ulysses Ferragut Mlle. Kithnou.. His Wife. Dona Cinta Micky Brantford . . Their Son, Esteban Frederick Mariotti . . Toni, the Mate Madame Paouerette.. Dr. Fedelmann Fernand Mailly Count Kalcdine Andre Von Engleman .... Submarine Commander Metropolis U.F.A. Alfred Abel John Masterman Custav Froelich Eric, his Son Rudolf Klein-Rogge Rotwang, an Inventor Fritz Rasp Slim Theodor Loos . , Joseph, Secretary to Masterman Heinrich George .. Grot, Foreman of the Heart-Machine Brigitte Helm . . Mary, a girl of the people Michael Strogofl Universal Film de France. From the novel by Jules Vern». Ivan Mosjoukine .... Michael Strogojf Mme. Nathalie Kovanko Nadia Fedoroff Chakatouny Ogareff ]Mme. Brindeau Marfa, Strogoff's Mother Gabriel De Gravonne . . Jollivet, French Correspondent Henri Debain Blount, English Correspondent Mme. De Yzarduy Zangara Defas Pheophar Khan K. Kvanine Basil Fedoroff Prince N. Kougoucheff General Kissoff E. Gaidaroff , . A lexander II, Emperor of Russia Nell Gwyn First National. Dorothy Gish Nell Gwyn Sydney Fairbrother Mrs. Gwyn Edward Sorley Soldier J UDD Green Sailor Aubrey Fitzgerald .... Tom KilUgrew Randle Avrton King Charles II. GiBB McLaughlin Duke of York Hilda Cowley "I ^.T j f u DoRiNA Shirley | ■■^'''''^^' «/ ^«"^"'' Fred Rains Earl of Shaftesbury Johnny Butt Samuel Pepys Juliette Compton ., Lady Casllemaine Tom Coventry Innkeeper Boot h Conway King's Messenger Forrester Harvey Charles Hart Donald McArdle . . Duke of Monmouth Rolf Leslie Evelyn Over the Hill Fox. Director : Harry Millarde. From the poem by Will Carleton. First released, 1921. Re-issued, 1927. Mary Carr Ma Benton William Welch Dad Benton Sheridan Tansey Isaac, the boy Noel Isaac, the man Stephen Carr Thomas, the boy John Dwyer Thomas, the man Jerry Devine John, the boy John Walker John, the man James Sheldon Charles, the boy Wallace Ray Charles, the man Rosemary Carr Rebecca, the child Phyllis Diller. . . .Rebecca, the woman Mary Beth Carr Susan, the child Louella Carr Susan, the woman ViviENNE Osborne Isabella Stronk Dorothy Allen Agulutia Edna Murphy Lucy