The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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374 (1932) 500 Famous Casts Rebound Pathe. Direcior : Edward H. Griffith. Ina Clairk Sara KoBERT Ames Bill Myrna Loy Evie Robert Williams Johnny Hedda Hopper Eiz Hale Hamilton Lyman Reputation Radio. Director : Edward II. Griffith. Constance Bennett Venice Miiir Ben Lyon Guy David Manners .... Dannie Wainuright AsTKiD Allwyn Lola Merna Kennedy Ann Diivyea Nella Walker Aunt Emma Blanche Fkederici Nora Albert Conti Rene Don Alvarapo The Argentine John Roach Karl Donald Dillaway Je''>y Freeman Wood Patterson Cornelius Keefe Spaulding George Irving Mr. Partridge Arnold Lucy Butler Rise of Helga, The Metro-Goldwyn-IMaver : Director : Robert Z. Leonard. Greta Garbo Helga Clark Gable Rodney Jean Hersholt Ohlin John Wiljan Burlingliam Alan Hale Mondstrtitn Hale Hamilton Mike Kelley Hilda Vaughn Asirid Russell Simpson Doctor Cecil Cunningham Madame Panoramia Ian Keith Robert Lane Ruling Voice, The First National. Director : Rowland V. Lee. Walter Huston Jack Bannister Loretta Young Gloria Doris Kenyon Alary Stanton David Manners Dick Cheney John Halliday Burroughs Dudley Dtgges Snead Gilbert Emery Gregory Wili.ard Robertson Bailey Douglas Scott Malcolm Stanton, the boy Sally in Our Alley Associated Radio Pictures. Director : Maurice Elvey. From Charles McEvoy's play, " The Likes of 'Er." Gracie Fields Sally Winch Ian Hunter George Miles Florence Desmond Flovrie Small FkEP Groves Alf Cope GiBR McLaughlin Jim Sears Bp.n Field Sam Bilson Ivor Barnard Tod Small Henee Macready Ludy Daphne B.\RBARA GoTT Mrs. Pool Florence Harwood -Mrs. Kemp Helen I^errers .... Duchess of We.rford Scarface Howard Hughes Production. Didri' luted by United Artists. Director : Howard Hawks. Paul Muni Tony Camonte Ann Dvorak Cesca Karen Morley Poppy Osgood Perkins Lovo Boris Karloff Gaffney C. Henry Gordon Guarino George Raft Rinaldo PuRNELL Pratt Publisher ViNCE Barnett Angela Ines Palange il/j's. Camonte Harry J. Vejar Costillo Edwin KIaxwell .... Chief of Detectives TuLLY Marshall .... Managing Editor Henry Armetta Pielro Service for Ladies Paramount. Director : Alexander Korda. Leslie Howard Max Tracey George Grossmith . . " Mr. Westland " Benita Hume Countess Ricardi Elizabeth Allan Sylvia Robertson Morton Selten Mr. Robertson Cyril Ritchard Breslmayer Ben Field Sir William Carter Annie Esmond The Duchess So Big Warner. Director : William Wellman. From the Pulitzer Prize novel by Edna Ferber. Barbara Stanwyck Selina Peake George Brent Rcelj Dickie Moore Dirk as a boy Hardie Albright Dirk grown up Bette Davis Dallas 0' Mara AL\E INL^DisoN Julie Hemple Robert Warwick Simeon Peake Arthur Stone Jan Steen Earle Foxe Pervus Pjejong Alan Hale Klaas Pool Dorothy Petf:rson Maartje Dawn O'Day Selina as a girl Dick Winslow Roelf, aged 14 Harry Berksford Adam Ooms Eulalie Jensen Mrs. Hemple Elizabeth Patterson .... Mrs. Tebbits Rita La Roy Paula Blanche Frederici Widow Paarlenburg WiLLARD Robertson The Doctor I\Lvrtha Mattox "I n^ -T^,, A ,^.,. T T> V Maiden Aunts Emma Ray .... ( Olin Howlanu Jacob Andre Charon The General Harry Holman Country Doctor Lionel Belmoke Reverend Dekker