The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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Rovmd the Studios 397 Screen work must not clash with theatrical appearances and I\Ir. Kane sees to it that it does not. He rules the destinies of his people with a smiHng grace that endears him to all the inhabitants of his little cit3^ Rasunda Studio (Sweden) SveJisk Filmindiistri Cenlnim, Stockholm. 'TpWENTY minutes by tramway-car from the centre of Stockholm lies ■^ the Rasunda studio of Svensk Filmindustri. Even were it remarkable for nothing else, Rasunda Studio would be given a place in history, for it was here that Greta Garbo played her first leading part, in The Atonement of Gosta Berling. A Swedish cameraman at Rasunda first drew that amazing personality on to celluloid. Apart from Rasunda's association with the great Garbo, the Svensk Filmindustri studio has a long and honourable history. Standing in a belt of trees within a stone's throw of the sea, Rasunda has been the birthplace of a number of films remarkable for their artistry and thoroughness. It is characteristic of the Swede to be efficient without ostentation, and these big studios, built in the style of a Swedish country estate, are staffed by men who are wrapped up in the art of film-making, and who are encouraged by the directors of the company to develop their individual ideas. Thus the studio has a pleasantly " family " atmosphere not usually found in film-centres. Sound is recorded by a special system designed and developed in the studio, giving very smooth and pure reproduction. Svensk Filmindustri — or " Swedish Biograph," as they are commonly known throughout Europe — ^produce an average of 12 talkies a year. They have lately taken up the production of Swedish versions of British films. The studio, moreover, is not unknown to British players, for Elissa Landi, Matheson Lang, and ]\Iiles Mander went over there to make a film. Closely in touch with the Rasunda studio is the Svensk Filmindustri distribution organization, which controls a number of Swedish theatres. Here is one of the most remarkable cinema services in the world. The Stockholm filmgoer who wishes to book a seat at a Svensk cinema has only to lift his telephone, ask for " S.F. Tickets," and he is immediateh^ connected with the company's private exchange. They inform him at once whether any seats are available and if so, their position. Furthermore, the " S.F." operator will add any information which may be required as to the stars appearing in the picture, the times of showing, or even the contents of the newsreel for that particular week. Neubabelsberg (Germany) Universiim Films {U.F.A.), Neubabelsberg Studios, near Berlin. /^F all European film studios, the U.F.A. film city at Neubabelsberg, ^^ near Berhn, is among the finest and most up-to-date. It has 14 separate sound-floors and 42 buildings for technical and administrative purposes. All have gi-own on the spot where, in 1912, there was nothing but a tiny glasshouse, dignified by the name of " film studio," which kept the rain off the company that made the first Asta Nielsen pictures. It was not until April, 1929, that workmen, tearing down the last of the