The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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lutei^esting Facts About Films 473 U.S.A., 20,500 ; Switzerland, 325. Europe as a whole possesses only 7,000 cinemas more than the American total. The screen is dark during one-third of a film performance. This is due to the shutters which fall in front of the projector after every picture or " frame." In the projecting-room of a cinema there are generally two or more projectors. As one reel is finished the other is thus able to begin without interruption. The world's largest screen is in the Paramount Theatre, New York. It measures 31 ft. by 42 ft. An averagesized face shown on this screen would be 30 ft. long. In New York there is a school for cinema managers. The course lasts six months. The cooling-plant in a large cinema often costs ;£i20 a week to maintain. Paramount own 600 cinema theatres in U.S.A. Entertainment Tax Where fee of admission (excluding the amount of duty) exceeds 2d. and does not exceed did., ^d. ; exceeds 2-Jd. and does not exceed 6d., id. ; exceeds 6d. and does not exceed 7^d., i|d. ; exceeds j^d. and does not exceed lod., 2d. ; exceeds lod. and does not exceed is. o^d., 2|d. ; exceeds is. o|d. and does not exceed IS. 3d., 3d. Threepence for the first is. 3d. and id. for every 5d. or part of 5d. over IS. 3d. This duty is not payable when : (i) The proceeds are devoted to philanthropic or charitable purposes, without deduction of expenses ; (2) the entertainment is wholly educational ; (3) the entertainment is for children only and the charge is not more than id. ; (4) the entertainment provided is partly educational, or partly scientific, ■■\ nd by a society and not run for profit ; s 'tis provided by or on behalf of a ■'■A or educational institution. The Film-strip Itself The average length of film used for a screen test by B.I. P. is 200 feet. Arrowsmith, starring Ronald Colman, contained 224 scenes, most of which were " shot " three times. Average length pictures consist of 160,000 separate photographs. Width of standard millimetres. film ; 35 A RECENT census proved the average cost of American films to be ;^7o,ooo. Average cost of British films, approximately ;/^2O,O0O. A SUCCESSFUL film is sometimes booked by 50,000 cinemas throughout the world. This will give some indication of the world-wide popularity that may be attained by a motion picture star. One single picture (frame) in a film occupies the screen one sixteenth of a second. It takes the eye one-eighth of a second to observe a picture. Thus, before it has had time to take in one scene the next appears and thereby creates the illusion of continuous movement. One hundred and fifty copies of American films are made for distribution. Of a successful film as many as 300 reproductions are made. Old razor blades are used by screen editors for cutting film. The length of an average picture : 7,000 ft. It was not until some time after motion pictures were invented that films were shown on a screen. They were formerly shown in little boxes, set in motion and lighted by the insertion of a coin. Silver, horses' hoofs, and hides form the basic substance with which film cellulose is treated. The silver is sensitized and coated on the film strip. To make the silver powder adhere a solution, made from ground horses' hoofs and hides, is used.