The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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486 Abbreviations oi Companies Col Color ART Cosmo Crescent D & H. Darmour Davidson Decla Delta De Mille Distinctive Productions Douglas Fairbanks Co. Educ. Elfelt Elinor Glyn Pro. Eric Hakim Essanav Excellent F.A Famous Films Famous Players F.BO. Federated Film Engineering Film Manufacturing Co. Filmo. Film Renters Fine Arts-Triangle F'itzmaurice Fitzpatrick F.N Fogwell Fox Fox-Brit. F.P.G. Franco Frank Fay Gains. Gau. Gau.-Brit. G.\u.-Brit.-U.F.A, G. Clark G. King Glory Films Goldwyn Gotham Graham Cutts Griffith g. swanson Hardy H. & S. Columbi.T Pictures Corp. (American). (American ; not now producing). CosmoL'Olitan Productions (American). Cresceui Pictures (American distributors). D & H. Production (British). Darmour Productions (American). 1 B Davidson (British). Bioscop-Verloih Decla Co. (German distributors). Delta Films (British). Cecil B De Mille (American producer). (American.) Productions made independently by Douglas Fairbanks, released by United Artists. Educational Film Exchange (American). (American distributors). Elinor Glyn Production (British). Eric Hakim Productions (British). (Earl}' Ameriean Producing Company.) Excellent Pictures (American di-stiibutors). Fine Arts (American ; not now producing). Famous Films (London), Ltd (British distributors). (Atncucan not now producing). Film Booking Offices (American distributors). (American dibtributors.) Film Engineering Co., Ltd. (British). Film Manufacturing Co., Ltd (Biitish). Filmophone Renters, Ltd. (British distributors). Film Renters, Ltd. (American distributors). (American ; not now producing.) George Fitzmaurice Production (American). FitzPatrick Pictures (American distributors). First National and Vitaphone Productions (American). Reginald Fogwell Productions, Ltd. (British) Fox Film Co., Ltd. (American). Fox Films British Productions, usually made under contract by an outside company. Began their own productions in Britain, 1932. Famous Players Guild (British). Franco Film (French distributors). (American producer^ Gainsborough Pictures (1928), Ltd. (British). The Gaumont Company, Ltd. (at one tinie British pro duccrb, hut now distributors). Gaumont-British Picture Corp., Ltd. (British). Signihes a production of the joint Gaumont-British and U.FA. schedule, arranged 1932. George Clark Productions (British ; an old-time producing company George Clark now produces for P.D.C. dis tril'ution). George King (British producer). Glory Film Co., Ltd. (Biitish producing company which made films based on our national traditions). Samuel Gokh\yn Production (American). Gotham Productions (American ; not now producing). Independent productions, made in England and America by Graham Cutts, now associated with A.R.P. D. W. Griffith, independent American productions released by United Artists. Gloria Swanson British Productions. One of the early British producers ; (not now active.) H. & S. Film Service, Ltd. (British distributors).