The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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Abbreviations of Companies Premier Principal Pro Patria Pro Patria PUGH Radio Rayart Realart Regina Rene Clair Albatross Sequana Rene Clair-Tobis Rex Ingram li.K O Robertson Cole Rowson Sageen Pro. Samuelson Schulberg Select Selznick S I.G.F. Sono-Aut Sound City Standard Stark Starcraft Sterling Stoll Strand Super Films Talmadge Tec-Art Temple Tiffany TOBIS Topical Tower Twickenham U.A. U.A.-Brit. U.F.A. U.K. Univ. Vita. VlTAGRAPH Wardour Warner WB.F.-N. Weber Welsh-Peakson West-Star W. & F. Whirlwind Whiting Wilcox Willis Kent Windsor W.W. World ','eidman Premier Service, Ltd. (British distributors ; no longer active). Principal Pictures Corporation (American). (British producers). (American distributors). Ralph J Pugh (independent British producer for U.A.). Radio Pictures, Ltd (American). Rayart Pictures (American). Realart Pictures (American ; not now producing). (British.) (French ; Rene Clair production for Albatross release). (German ; Rene Clair production for Tobis release.) (American producer). Radio-Keith-Orpheum (American ; now Radio Pictures). Robertson Cole Productions (British ; not now producing) . Harry Rowson (British). Sage n Productions, Ltd. (British producer for Paramount). G. B. Samuelson (British). (American distributors.) (American distributors.) (American distributors.) Societe Italiano Grando Film. Sono-ArtWorld Wide I^ictures Inc. (American). Sound City, Ltd (British) Standard Film Agency (British distributors). Stark International Productions. (British producer for Paramount.) Sterling Film Co., Ltd (British). Stoll Picture Productions, Ltd. (British), Strand Film Co., Ltd. (British). Super Films (London), Ltd. (British distributors; notactive). Richard Talmadge Productions Inc. (American). Tec-Art Studios (American). British producers of silent films ; (no longer active.) Titfaii}' Productions (American). Tonbild-Syndikat (Tobis) (German). Topical Film Co., Ltd. (British) Tower Productions Inc. (American distributors). Twickenham Film Studios, Ltd. (British). United Artists Corporation (American). United Artists British production. Universum-Film Co. (German). United Kingdom Photoplays, Ltd. (British distributors). Universal Picture Corporation (American). Vitaphone Corporation (American ; producers of sound films associated with Warner Bros, and First National). Vitagraph Pictures (old-time American lirm). Wardoui Films. Ltd (British distributors, for B.I. P.). Warner Brothers Pictures Inc. (American). Warnei Bruthers-First National (British productions made at Teddington Studios). Weber-North (American distributors). Welsh-Pearson Films, Ltd. (British). Western Star (American independents formed in 1932). W. & F. Film Service (British distributors). (American.) Edward G. Whiting (British independent producer). Graham Wilcox Productions (Loudon), Ltd. (British). Willis Kent Productions (American). (British ; no longer producing.) Sono-Art-World Wide Pictures Inc. (American). World Wide Pictures Inc. (American). B. F. Zeldman (American independent producer).