The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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Index tABB-AEF) 491 INDEX Abbreviations of Companies, 485 Abie's Irish Rose, cast, 344 Abraham Lincoln, cast, 328, 357 Abysmal Brute, The, cast, 317 " A " Certificate, Censor's, 15 Acklon, R.j see Manners, David Adair, Janice, biography, 27 ; address, 226 ; real name, 271 ; first film, 298 Addresses of Players, 226-249 Adios, cast, 357 Adolfi, John G., 182 Adoree, Renee, biography, 27 ■; address, 226 ; birthday, 150; real name, 271; marriage, 276 After To-morrow, cast, 367 Ages of Players, 250-264 Agnew, W. L., see Fields, Stanly Aherne, Patrick, biograpay, 27 ; birthday, 250 ; first film, 298 Ainley, Henry, biography, 27 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; marriage, 276 Akcd, Muriel, biography, 27 ; address, 226 Alberni, Luis, biography, 28 ; address, 226 Albers, Hans, biography, 28 ; address, 226 Albertson, Frank, biography, 28 ; addre;-s, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; marriage, 276 Albright, Hardie, biography, 28 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; first film, 29S Alexander, Ben, biography, 28 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; real name, 271 Alexander Hamilton, cast, 367 Alf's Button, cast, 350 Alias Jimmy Valentine, cast, 350 Allan, Elizabeth, biography, 28 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; marriage, 276 ; first film, 298 Allen, Adrianne, biography, 29 ; addrcs?, 226 ; marriage, 276 ; first film, 298 Allen, M., see Jerrold, Mary Allen, Theresa, biography, 29 ; address 22G ; birthday, 250 Allister, Claud, biography, 29 ; birthday, 250 ; real name, 271 ; marriage, 276 ; first film, 298 All Quiet on the Western Front, cast, 358 ; Award of Merit, 308 All the Brothers Were Valiant, cast, 317 Aloma of the South Seas, cast, 336 Alonso, L. A. D. de, see Roland, Gilbert Alvarado, Don, biography, 29 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 230 ; real name, 271 ; first film, 298 Alu-ays Good-bye, cast, 358 Amann, Belty, biography, 29 ; address, 226 ; first film, 298 Amateur Cinema, The, 422-424 Amateur Cinema Clubs, Britain's, 425-429 Amateur Gentleman, The, cast, 336 Amazing Quest of Mr. Ernest Bliss, The, cast, 310 Ambrose Applejohn's Adventure, cast, 323 American Prisoner, The, cast, 350 Ames, Adrieime, biography, 29 ; address, 226 ; real name, 271 ; marriage, 276 Ames, Robert, biography, 30 Anderson, A., see Goodrich, Louis Andra, Fern, biography, 30 ; address, 226 ; real name, 271 ; marriage, 276 Andre, Gwili, biography, 30 ; address, 226 ; first film, 29S ; " Ways to Film Success," 222 Angel, Heather, biography, 30 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 Angelas, Muriel, biography, 30 ; address, 226; birthday, 250; real name, 271; first film, 298 Animals in F'ilms, 476 Anna Christie, cast, 351 Annie Laurie, cast, 340 Anybody's Woman, cast, 358 Apfel, Oscar, biography, 30 ; address, 226