The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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492 Index (APP-BAR) Appel, A., see Lee, Lila Arab, The, cast, 328 Arbuckle, Roscoe, biography, 31 ; address 226 ; birthday, 250 ; marriage, 276 Archainbaud, George, 182 Arayle Case, The, cast, 351 Arledge, John, biography, 31 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; real name, 271 ; first fihn, 298 Arlen, Betty, 306 Arlen, Richard, biography, 31 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; marriage, 276 ; " Ways to Fihn Success," 223 Ariiss, George, biogi-aphy, 31 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; real name, 271 ; marriage, 276 ; first film, 298 ; Award of Merit, 308 Armetta, Henry, biography, 31 ; address, 226 Armstrong, Robert, biography, 32 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; maiTiage, 276 Arnot, F., see Doran, Mary Arrowsmith, cast, 36S Arsene Lupin, cast, 368 Art Direction, 445-446 Art of Make-up, The, 22-24 Arthur, George K., biography, 32 ; address, 226; birthday, 250; real name, 271'; marriage. 276 Arthur, Jean, biography, 32 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; marriage, 277 ; Wampas baby, 307 Arthur, Johnny, biography, 32 ; address, 226 ; first film, 298 Artistes, Facts about, 471 Arto, F., see Vidor, Florence Arzner, Dorothy, 182 Ashes 0/ Veuiieance, cast, 323 A'^quith, Anthony, 182 Associated Radio Pictures, 3S7 Associated Sound Films Industries, studios, 395 Asther, Nils, biography, 32 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; marriage, 277 Astor, Gertrude, biography, 33 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 Astor, Mary, biography, 33 ; address, 226 ; birthday, 250 ; real name, 271 ; marriage, 277 ; first film, 298 ; Wampas baby, 307 Asun=;olo. D., see Del Rio, Dolores As You Desire Me, cast, 368 Ates, Roscoe, biography, 33 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 250 ; marriage, 277 Atlantic, cast, 351 Atlantide, cast, 310 At the Edge oj the World, cast, 344 Atvvill, Lionel, biography, 33 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 250 ; first film, 298 Auction Block, The, cast, 332 Auer, Mischa, biography, 34 ; address, 227 ; birtiiday, 250 ; first film, 298 Ault, Marie, biography, 34 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 250 ; marriase, 277 Austin, William, biography, 34 ; address. 227 ; marriage, 277 Avalanche, cast, 358 Avery, Pauline, 307 Avon, Violet, 306 Awards of Merit, 308 Aye, Marion, 306 Aylesworth. Merlin H.. -m Ayres, Lew, biography, 34 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 250 ; marriage, 277 ; first film, 298 Ayrton, Handle, biography, 34 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 250 Baclanova, Olga, biography, 35 ; addre?-, 227 ; marriage, 277 ; first fdm, 298 Bacon, Irving, biography, 35 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 250 Bacon, Lloyd, 183 Baddeley, Angela, biography, 35 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 230 ; marriage, 277 Bad One, The, cast, 358 Bakewell, William, biography, 35 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 250 Balaclava, cast, 351 Balfour, Betty, biography, 35 ; birthday, 250 ; first film, 298 Bancroft, George, biography, 35 ; address 227 ; birthday, 250 ; marriage, 277 ; first fihn, 29S Bankhead, Tallulah, 19 ; biography, 36 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 250 ; first film, 298 Banks, Leslie, biogi-aphy, 36 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 250 ; marriage, 277 ; first film. 298 Banks, Montv, biography, 36, 183 ; adflres?. 227 Banky, Vilma, biogi-aphy, 36 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 251 ; marriage, 277 Bannerman, Margaret, biography, 36 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 251 ; marriage, 277 ; first film, 298 Bannister, Harry, biography, 36 ; address, 227 ; m irriage, 277 Barbier, George, biography, 36 ; address, 227 Bardclys the Motgnpficent, cast, 336 Baring, Norah, biography, 36 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 251 ; first film, 298 Barnes, Binnie, biography, 37 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 251 ; real name, 271 ; marriage, 277 ; first film, 298 Barnett, Vincent, biography, 37 ; address, 227 ; birthdav, 251 ; first film, 298 Barnitt, F. P,, 423 Barnstormer, The, cast, 317 Barraud, George, biography, 37 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 2=ii ; first lilm, 298 Barrie, Phyllis, biography, 37 ; address, 227 ; birthday. 251 ; first film, 298 Barrie, Wendy, biograpuy, 37 ; address, 227 ' birthday, 251 Barrier, The. cast, 332 Barry, Joan, 222 ; biography, 37 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 251 Barrymore, John, biography, 38 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 251 ; real name, 271 ; marriage, 277 ;' first film, 298 Barrymore, Lionel, biography, 38 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 251 ; real name, 271 ; marriage, 277 ; Award of Merit, 308 Barthelmess, Richard, biography, 38 ; address, 227 ; birthday, 251 ; marriage, 277 Bartlam, Dorothy, biography, 38 ; addres-. 227 ; birthday, 251