The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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Index (KIM-LIT) 503 King, Charles, biography, in : address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; marriage, 2SS King, Hciiry, 195, 219 King, Louis, 195 King of Jazz, cast, 362 King of Kings, cast, 346 King, of the Khyber Rifles, cast, 346 Kingston, Natalie, 307 Kirkland, Alexander, biography, n: r ; address, 239 Kirkwood, James, biography, in ; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; marriage, 288 Kissing Cup^s Race, cast, 314 Klasen, G., see Lawrence, Gertrude Knapp, Evalyn, biography, 112 ; address, 239 ; birthday, 2 58 Knee, JL, see Keen, Malcolm Koenig, M. A., see Murray, Mae Koerber, Marie, see Dressier, .Marie Kohler, Yma, biography, 112 ; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 Konstani, Phylhs, biography, 112 ; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; marriage, 288 Korda, Alexander, 193 Korda, Maria, see Corda, Maria Kove, Kenneth, biograpliy, 112; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; tirst hhn, 302 Kraemer, F. W.', 195 Kraly, Hans, 30S Kranz, J., see Cortez, Ricardo Krauss, Werner, biography, 112 ; addi"es3, 239 Krauth, V., see Marsh, Marian Kyoshi Takase, 472 La Bolieme, cast, 338 La Cava, Gregory, 195 Lachman, Harry, 196, 221 Ladies of Leisure, 221 Laemmle, Carl, 213, 385 ; career, 462 Laemmle, Carl, Jnr., 213 Laemmle, Edward, 196 Laemmle, Ernst, 196 La Hiif, Anna, see Carroll. Xancy Lake Arrowhead, 380 Lake, Arthur, biography, 112 ; real name, 273 Lamont, Molly, biography, 113; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; " Ways to Film Success," 224 Lanchester, Elsa, biography, 113 ; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; real name, 273 ; maiTiage, 288 ; first film, 302 Landau, David, biography, 113 ; address, 239 Landi, l-^lissa, biography, 113 ; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; real name, 273 ; marriage, 2S8 ; first film, 303 1 lue, Lola, biography, 113; ad(h-ess, 239; real name, 273 ; marriage, 288 ; first film, 303 Lane, Lupino, 472 ; biography, 113 : address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; real name, 273 ; marriage, 288 Lane, Nora, biograph}', 114 ; address, 239 Lang, Fritz, 196 Lang, Matheson, biography, 114 ; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; marriage, 2S8 ; first fiim, 303 l.anghanke, Lucille V., see Astor, Mary La Plante, Laura, biograpliy, 114 ; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; marriage, 288 ; Wanipas baby, 306 la Rocque, Rod, 220 ; biography, 114 ; address. 239 ; birthdav, 258 ; marriage, 288 La I-Jo' Rita, biography, 114; address, 239 ■ birthday, 258 ; real name, 273 ; marriage^ 2^0 , iirst nun, 303 Lash, The, cast, 357 Lasky, Jesse L., 213, 383 Last Command, The, cast, 347 Last Days of Pompeii, The, cast, 334 Last Laugh, The, cast, 329 Last of Mrs. Cheyncy, The, cast, 354 Laugh, Clown, Laugh, cast, 347 Laughton, Charles, biography, 115 ; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; marriage, 288 ; first film, 303 Laurel, Stan, biography, 115 ; address, 239 ; birthdav, 258 ; real name, 273 ; marriage, 288 La Verne, Lucille, biography, 115 ; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 Lawrence, Gertrude, biography, 115 ; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; real name, 273 ; marriage, 288 ; first film, 303 Lawton, Frank, biography, 115; address, 239 ; birthday, 258 ; first film, 303 Laye, Evelj'n, biography, 116 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 258 ; marriage, 288 ; first film, 303 Leahy, Margaret, 306 Lease, Rex, biography, 116; address, 240; birthday, 258 ; first film, 303 Lebedeff, Ivan, biography, 116; addi-ess, 240 ; birthday, 258 ; first film, 303 Lederer, Evelyn, see Carol, Sue Lederer, Francis, biogi-aphy, 116; address, 240 ; birthday, 258 1-ederman, D. Ross, 196 Lee, Dorothy, biography, 116 ; address, 240 ; birthday, '258 ; real name, 273 ; marriage, 288 ; first film, 303 Lee, Gwen, 307 Lee, Lila, biography, 116 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 258 ; real name, 273 ; marriage, 288 ; first film, 303 ; Wampas baby, 306 Lee, Rowland, 196 Leggatt, Alison, biography, 117; address, 240 ; birthday, 258 ; maiTiage, 2S8 ; first film, 303 Legion of the Condemned, cast, 347 I.eidler, L. J., see Joy, Leatrice Lemonnier, Meg, biography, 117; address, 240 ; birthday, 258 ; first film, 303 Leonard, Barbara, biography, 117; addies3> 240 Leonard, Robert Z., 197 Leroy, Mervyn, 197 Les Miseiables, cast, 334 Let Us be Gay, cast, 362 Lewis, Cecil, 197 Lightner, Winnie, biography, 117 ; adctess, 240 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 2S8 ; first film, 303 Lily Christine, cast, 372 Lincoln, Caryl, 307 Linton, M., see Morlcy, Karen Lion, Leon M., biography, 117 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 259 ; mairiage, 289 Lions on Films, 476 Littlefteld, Lucien, biography, 117 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 259 Little Lord Fauntleroy, cast, 314 Little Old New York, cast. ^lo