The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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504 Index (LIV-MAD) Livesey, Sam, biography, ii8 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 Lloyd, Doris, biography, 118 ; address, 240 Lloyd, Frank, 197, 308 1 Lloyd, Harold, biography, 118 ; address, 24c ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 Locked Door, The, 220 Loder, John, biography, 118 ; address, 240 ; real name, 273 Logan, Jacqueline, 225; biography, iiS ; addresS; 240 ; marriage, 289 ; Wampas baby, 306 Lombard, Carole, biography, 119 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 259 ; real name, 273 ; marriage, 2S9 Long, Sally, 307 Longden, John, biography, 119; address, 240 ; marriage, 289 Looking on the Bright Side, cast, 372 Loose Ends, cast, 363 Lord Babs, cast, 372 Lorraine, Louise, 306 Lone, Peter, biography, 119 ; address, 240 ; first film, 303 Los Angeles, 378 Lost Squadron, The, cast, 372 ; scenario of, 434 Lost World, The, cast, 329 Lotinga, Ernie, biography, 119 ; address, 240 ; marriage, 289 Louise, Anita, biography, 119 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 259 ; real name, 273 ; Wampas baby, 307 Love, Bessie, biography, 120 ; address, 240 ; real name, 273 ; marriage, 289 ; Wampas baby, 306 Love, Montagu, biography, 120 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 259 Lcve is a Racket, cast, 372 Lcve Light, The, cast, 314 Loves of Sunya, The, cast, 338 Love on Wheels, cast, 372 Love Parade, The, cast, 363 Lovers Courageous, cast, 372 Lowe, Edmund, biography'-, 120 ; address 240 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 ; first film, 303 Lowe, J., see Loder, John Ley, Myma, biography, 120; address, 240; birthday, 259 ; real name, 273 ; first film, 303 Loj'd, Alison, see Todd, Thelma Lubitsch, Ernst, 197 ; " Film Directing."' 442-444 Luck of the Navy, The, cast, 347 Ludwig, Otto, " Film Editing," 452-456 Lugosi, Bela, biography, 121 ; address, 240 ! birthday, 259 ; real name, 273 Lukas, Paul, biography, 121 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 259 ; first film, 303 Lummox, cast, 354 Lunt, Alfred, biography, 121 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 259; marriage, 2S9 ; first film, 303 Lupino, Stanley, biography, 121 ; adth-oss, 240 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 ; first film, 303 'Lupino, Wallace, biography, 121; address, 240 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 ; first film, 303 Lussier, Y., see Dorsay, Fifi Lyel, Viola, biography, 122 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 ; first film, 303 Lynch, Helen, 306 Lynd, Moira, biography, 122 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 259 ; real name, 273 ; first film, 303 Lynn, Ralph, biography, 122 ; address, 240 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 ; first film, 303 Lynn, Sharon, biography, 122 ; address, 240 ; marriage, 289 Lyon, Ben, biography, 122 ; address, 241 ; marriage, 289 Lytell, Bert, biography, 122 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 ; first film, 303 M McAllister, Mary, 307 McAvoy, May, biography, 123 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 MacCloy, June, biography, 123 ; address, 241 ; marriage, 289 McClure, Adrienne, see Ames, Adrienne McConnell, Gladys, 307 jMcCormack, John, biography, 123 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 ; first film, 303 McCo3% Tim, biographT', 123 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 ; first film, 303 McCrea, Joel, biography, 123 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 McCuUough, Philo, biography, 123 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 McDonald, Francis, biography, 124 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 2S9 JIacDonald, J. Farrell, biography, 124 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 JIacDonald, Jeanette, biography, 124 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 McGann, William, 198 McGuire, Katharine, 306 McGuire, Mickey, biography, 124 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 250 ; real name, 274 McHugh, Frank, biography, 125 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 ; first film, 303 INIcIntyre-Bickel, F., see March, Fredric Mack, Russell, 198 Mackaill, Dorothy, biography, 125 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 ; Wampas baby, 306 JIcKee, Lafe, biography, 125 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 MacKenna, Kenneth, 198 ; address, 241 ^IcKim, Ann, see Dvorak, Ann McKinncll, Nonnan, biography, 125 IMcLaglcn, Cyril, biography, 125 ; address, 241 ; first film, 303 McLaglen, Victor, biography, 126 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 290 McLaughlin, Gibb, biography, 126; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 ; marriage, 289 McLaverty, E., see Breon, Edmund IMacJIahon, Aline, biography, 126; address, 241 McMinn, V., see Jeans, Ursula McNaughton, Gus, biography, 126 ; address, 241 ; birthday, 259 ; real neune, 274 ; first film, 303 INIcSwceney, V., see Valli, Virginia Madame Pompadour, cast, 342 Madame Sans Gene, cast, 334 Madame X, cast, 354