The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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5o6 Index (MIL-NOR) Milton, iiarry, biography, 134 ; address, 242 ; birthday, 260 ; marriage, 291 ; first film, 303 Milton, Robert, 200 Mill and Bill, cast, 363 Miracle Woman, The, 15 Mix, Tom, 476 ; biography, 134 ; address, 242 ; birthday, 260 ; real name, 274 ; marriage, 291 Moby Dick, cast, 363 Monro, J. R. H., see Hale, Sonnie Monsieur Beaiicairc, cast, 325 Monte Carlo, cast, 363 Monte Cristo, cast, 319 Montenegro, Conchita, biography, 134 address, 242 ; birthday, 260 Montgomery, R. D., see Douglass, Kent Montgomery, Robert, biography, 134 address, 242 ; birthday, 260 ; real name 274 ; marriage, 291 Moore, Colleen, biography, 135 ; address 242 ; real name, 274 ; marriage, 291 first film, 303 ; Wampas baby, 306 Moore, Dickie, biography, 135 ; address, 242 birthday, 260 ; first film, 304 Moore, Eva, biography, 135 ; address, 242 birthday, 260 ; marriage, 291 Moore, Matt, biography, 135 ; address, 242 birthday, 260 Moore, Owen, biography, 135 ; address, 242 birthday, 260 ; marriage, 291 Moore, Tom, biography, 136 ; address, 242 birthday, 260 ; marriage, 291 Moorehead, NataUe, biography, 136 ; addresS; 242 Moran, K. C, see Crawford, Kathryn Moran, Lee, biography, 136 ; address, 242 birthday, 260 ; marriage, 291 Moran, Lois, biography, 136 ; address, 242 birthday, 260 ; real name, 274 ; first fihn, 304 Moran, Polly, biography, 137 ,* address, 242 real name, 274 ; first film, 304 Moreno, Antonio, biography, 137; address 242 ; marriage, 291 Moreno, Rosita, biography, 137 ; address, 242 birthday, 260 ; marriage, 291 ; first film 304 Moriarty, cast, 320 Morley, Karen, biography, 137 ; address, 242 real name, 274 ; first film, 304 ; Wampas baby, 307 Morris, Chester, biography, 137 ; address, 242 birthday, 260 ; marriage, 291 ; first film, 304 Morris, Margaret, 306 Morrison, K., see Moore, Colleen Mother's Boy, cast, 347 Movietone City, 382 Movietone Follies of 1929, cast, 347 Mowbray, Alan, biography, 137 ; address, 242 Moylan, Catherine, biography, 138 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 260 Mr. Wu, cast, 347 Mulhall, Jack, 472 ; biography, 138 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 260 ; marriage, 291 ; first film, 304 Muller, Renate, biography, 138 ; address, 243 Mulligan, D., see Lane, Lola Miimsic, cast, 342 I\Iu!'.din, Herbert, biography, 13S ; address, 243 ; birthdaj', 260 ; marriage, 292 Muni, Paul, biography, 138 ; address, 243 ;' birthday, 260 ; real name, 274 ; marriage, 292 Munro-Noble, M., see Gay, Maisie Murder, cast, 363 Murnau, F. W., 200 Murray, L. S., see Carver, Louise Murray, Mae, biography, 138 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 260 ; real name, 274 ; marriage,' 292 Myers, Carmel, biography, 139 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 260 ; marriage, 292 Myers, Zion, 200 Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu, The, cast, 354 N Nagel, Conrad, biography, 139 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; marriage, 292 ; first film, 304 Naish, Carrol, biography, 139 ; address, 243 ;, birthday, 261 ; marriage, 292 ; first film.I 304 Napier, Diana, biography, 139 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; real name, 274 Nares, Owen, biography, 140 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; marriage, 292 National Board of Review, 16 Neagle, Anna, biography, 140 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; real name, 274 ; first film, 304 Nedell, Bernard Jay, biography, 140 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; marriage, 292 Negri, Pola, biography, 140 ; address, 243 ; marriage, 292 Neill, Roy Wilham, 200 Neilson-Terry, Dennis, biography, 140 ; Nell Gwyn, cast, 339 Nelson, Jack, 200 Nesbitt, Cathleen, biography, 140 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; marriage, 292 Nettlefold Productions, Studio, 394 Neubabelsberg Studio, 397 Never Trouble Trouble, 456 Newall, Guy, biography, 141 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; marriage, 292 Newcomb, Mary, biography, 141 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; marriage, 292 ; first film, 304 Newell, David, biographj', 141 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; first film, 304 Newland, Mary, biography, 141 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; marriage, 292 Newman, H., see Wenman, Henry New Moon, cast, 363 Newnham, John K., " Film Censors," 13-17 News on the Screen, 467-468 Nibelungs, The, cast, 325 Niblo, Fred, 201 Night Scene, 423 Nissen, Greta, biography, 141 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; real name, 274 ; marriage, 292 Nixon, Marian, biography, 141 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; marriage, 292 ; first film, 304 ; Wampas baby, 306 Noah's Ark, cast, 348 Nolan, Mary, biography, 142 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; real name, 274 ; marriage, 293 No, No, Nanette, cast, 354 Noonan, V. L., see O'Neil, Sally Norris, Nedra, biography, 142 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; real name, 274 ; first film, 304