The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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Index (NOR-POM) 507 Norton, Baix}', biography, 142 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 Norton, Betty, biography, 142 ; address, 243 Novarro, Ramon, biography, 142 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261; real name, 274; first fibn, 304 Novello, Ivor, biography, 142 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 Nugent, Eddie, biography, 143 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; real name, 274; first film, 304 Nugent, Elhott, biography, 143; address, 243; birthday, 261; marriage, 292; first film, 304 Nutter, E. M., see Oliver, Edna May O Oakie, Jack biography, 143 ; address, 243 : birthday, 261 ; real name, 274 Oakman, Wheeler, biography, 143; address, 243 Oberon, Werle, biography, 144 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; i-eal name, 274 O'Brien, George, 472 ; biography, 144 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; first film, 304 O'Brien, Pat, biography, 144 ; address, 243 ; birthday, 261 ; real name, 274 ; marriage, 293 ; first film, 304 O'Brien, Tom, biography, 144 ; address, 244 ; marriage, 293 O'Day, Mollv, 307 Oifield, L. D.', sec Oakie, Jack Oland, Warner, biography, 144 ; address, 244 ; birthday. 261 ; marriage, 293 Old English, cast, 364 Oliver, Edna May, biography, 145 ; address, 244 ; real name, 274 ; marriage, 293 Oliver, Guy, biograph}', 145 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 Olivier, Laurence, biography, 145; address, 244; birthday, 261; marriage, 293; first film, 304 O'Malley, Pat, biography, r45 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 ; real name, 274; marriage, 293 Once a Gentleman, cast, 364 Once to Every Woman, cast, 314 O'N'eal, Zeiraa, biograph)-, 145 ; address, 244 ; marriage, 293 ; first film, 304 One Hour With You, 454 O'Neil, Nance, biography, 146 ; address, 244 ; • birthday, 26r ; marriage, 293 O'Neil, Sally, 307 ; biography, 146 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 ; real name, 274 One of the Best, 22 r Only Way, The, cast, 335 On Trial, cast, 342 On With the Show, cast, 355 O'Rogan, Kathleen, biogi-apliy, 146 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 ; real name, 274 ; marriage, 293 Orplians of the Storm, cast, 320 Osborne, Vivienne, biography, 146 ; address, 244 ; marriage, 293 Ostcnnan, M., see Torres, Raquel Ostrer, Isidore, 214, 465 Ostrcr, ?il.-u:k, 214 O'Suilivan, II. M., see Gerrard, Gene O'Sullivan, Maureen, biography, 146 ; address, 244 : birthday, 261 ; tirst film 304 Our Blushing Brides, cast, 364 Outsider, The, 221 Outward Bound, cast, 364 Over the Hill, cast, 339, 373 Owen, Catherine Dale, biography, 146 ; address, 244 Owen, Reginald, biography, 147 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 ; marriage, 293 Owsley, Monroe, biography, 147 ; address, 244 ; first tilm, 302 P Pabst, G. W., 201 Paddy the Next Best. Thing, cast, 320 Page, Anita, biography, 147; address, 244; birthday, 261; real name, 274; Wainpas baby, 307 Paige, Jose, see Alvarado, Don Pallette, Eugene, biography, 147 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 Palmer, W C i\i., see Ailister, Claud Palmy Days, cast, 373 Pangl)orn,Franklyn, biography, 147; address, 241 Paramount, 465 ; studios, 383 Paramount (French) studios, 396 Parker, Alexander, maker of celluloid, 11 Parker, Cecilia, bioEpraphj', 148 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 ; first fihxi, 304 Paterson, Pat, biography, 148 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 Patlie Gazette, 467, 468 Patterson, Elizabeth, biography, 148 ; address, 244 Peacock Alley, cast, 314, 364 Peers, Joan, biography, 148 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 Peg 0' My Heart, cast, 320 Pendleton, Nat, biography, 14S ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 Penrod and Sam, cast, 325, 373 Perdue, Derelys, 306 Perfect Alibi, The, cast, 348 Perry, L. T., see Fetchit, Stepin Personali ties, Biographies of Important, 2 1 1 2 1 7 Pertwee, Roland, 221 Petef Pan, cast, 330 Peters, C. J., see Lombard, Carole Petersen, C. B., see Brisson, Car' Petrovitch, Ivan, biography, 149 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 PettingeU, Frank, biography, 149; address, 244 Phantom of the Opera, The, cast, 355 Philbiu, I\Iary, 396 Phillips, A. G., 423 Philpott, Margaret, see Bellamy, Madge Phipps, Sally, 307 Photophone System, 449 Piccadilly, cast, 353 Pichel, Irving, biography, 149 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 293 Pickford, Jack, biography, 149 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261; real name, 274; marriage 293 Pickford, Mary, biography, 149 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 26r ; real name, 274 ; marriage, 293; first film, 304; Awardof Merit, 308 Pidgeon, Walter, biography, 150 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 261 Pierce, Evelyn, 307 Pilgrim, The, cast, 320 Pitts, Zasu, biography, 150 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 262 ; marriage, 293 ; first film, 304 Players, Biographies of, 27-181 Playtair, Sir Nigel, biography, 150 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 262 ; marriage, 293 ; first film, 301 Pollard, Daphne, biography, 150 ; address, 244 ; marriage, 293 Pollard, Harry, 201 Pollock, Ellen, biography, 151 ; address, 244 ; birthday, 262 ; marriage, 293 ; first fihn, 304 Pomares, A., see Page, Anita Pomeroy, Roy G., 308