The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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Index (ROU-SON) 509 Round Hollywood, 378-380 Round the Studios, 381-398 Royalty and the Film, 470 Ruben, J. Walter, 203 Rubens, Ahna, biography, 157 ; marriage, 294 ; first film, 304 Rucker, Joseph T., 308 Rudge, J. A. R., film pioneer, 10 Ruggles, Charles, biography, 158; address, 246 Ruggles, Wesley, 203 Ruling Voice, The, cast, 374 Rupert of Hentzau, cast, 330 Ryott, S., sec Rome, Stewart s Sadie Thompson, cast, 343 . Safety Last, cast, 321 Sagan, Leontine, 203 Sainpolis, Jolin, biography, 158 ; address, 246 Sainted Devil, A, cast, 330 SuiiU Joan, The Maid, cast, 364 Sale, Charles (Cliic), biography, 15S ; address, 246 ; first film, 304 Sale, Virginia, biography, 158 ; address, 246 ; first film, 304 Sally, cast, 330 ; 356 Sally Bishop, cast, 326 ; 223 Sally in our Alley, cast, 374 Salome, cast, 321 Salvage, cast, 315 Samaniegos, R., sec Novarro, Raniou Santa Monica, 379 Santell, Alfred, 203 S.mtley, Frederic, biography, 158 ; address, J46 ; marriage, 294 Surah and Son, cast, 364 Sarnoff, David, 215 Saunders, John Monk, 308 Saville, Victor, 203 Saxon-Snell, H., biography, 159 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 262 ; marriage, 294 Savers, Loretta, biography, 159 ; address, 246 Scaramouche, cast, 326 S Ill-face, cast, 374 Scenarios of Films, 432-436 Schcnck, David, 215 Schenck, Joseph M., 215 Schenck, Nicholas M., 215 Schertziuger, Victor, 203 Schildkraut, Joseph, biography, 159 ; address, 246; birthday, 262; marriage, 2g4;firstfilm, 304 Schilling, Marion, biography, 159; address, 246; birthday, 262 ; first tihn, 304; Wampas t-'-iby, 3I7 S' liilsky, A., see Trevor, Austm S'liocdsack, Ernest, 204 S' liulbcrg, Benjamin P., 215, 385 ;-v )tt, Ewing, 204 r ott, Randolph, biogi-aphy, 159 ; address, 2_|6 ; birthday, 262 ; real name, 275 >\(f Bat, The, cast, 364 >;i! Beast, The, cast, 335 Sut Haivk, The, cast, 331 Soarl, Jackie, biography, 159 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 262 ; first film, 304 i Beneath, The, cast, 365 trom, Victor, 204 a5tian,Dorothy,biography,i59; address,246 birthday, 262; marriage, 295; first film, 304 '>iCiets, cast, 327 Secrets of Screen Fashion, iS-2l Sedgwick, Edward, 204 Seed, cast, 365 Seegar, Miriam, biography, 160 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 262 Segal, Vivienne, biography, 160 ; address, 246 ; marriage, 295 ; first film, 304 Seller, Lewis, 204 Seiter, William, 204 Seitz, George B., 205 Selten, Morton, biography, 160; address, 246; birthday, 262; real name, 275; marriage, 295 Selwyn, Edgar, 205 Sclznick, David O., 216, 223 Sennett, Mack, 216 Sequence of scenario, 433 Service for Ladies, cast, 374 Seven Keys to Baldpate, cast, 336, 365 Seventh Heaven, cast, 343 Sewell, George, H., 424 Shanghai Express, cast, 375 Shannon, Ethel, 306 Shannon, Peggy, biography, 160 ; address, 246 ; real name, 275 ; marriage, 295 Shearer, Norma, 20 ; biography, 160 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 262 ; marriage, 295 ; Award of Merit, 308 Sheffield, Leo, biography, 160 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 262 ; first film, 305 Sheik, The, cast, 321 Sheplierds Bush, studio, 391 Sherman, Lowell, biography, 161 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 262 ; marriage, 295 Shooting of Dan McGrew, The, cast, 327 Shortt, Rt. Hon. Edward, 14, 216 Shotter, Winifred, biography, 161 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 262 ; marriage, 295 ; first film, 305 SliOiiJ Boat, cast, 348 Showing Films, 457-458 Shuford, Andy, biography, 161 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 262 Sidney, Sylvia, 20 ; biography, 161 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 263 ; first film, 305 Silent Voice, The, cast, 375 Silverlake, A., see Lake, .\rthur Silver Star, hoi^se, 476 Simpson, H., see Darrow, John Simpson, Ivan, biography, 161 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 263 ; first film, 305 Singing Fool, The, cast, 348 Skelly, Hal, biography, 161 ; address, 246 Skin Game, The, cast, 315 Skippy, cast, 365 Skipworth, Alison, biography, 162 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 263 Sky Haivk, The, cast, 356 Slaughter, E. B., see BIythe, Betty Sleeper, Martha, 307 Sloane, Paul, 205 Sloman, Edward, 205 Smalley, Phillips, 472 Smiling Lieutenant, The, cast, 365, 444 Smilin' Through, cast, 315 Smith, C. Aubrey, biography, 162 ; address, 246 ; birthday, 263 Snuth, C. D., see Dell, Claudia Smith, Gladys, see Pickford, Mary Smith, Jack, see Pickford, Jack Smoke, 424 So Big, cast, 331. 374 Song of the West, cast, 356 Sonia, cast, 315