The world film encyclopedia (1933)

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512 Index (WAR-ZUK) Warner Brothers, studios, 381 ; 392 ; first sound picture, 449 ; Award of Merit, 308 Warner, H. B., biography, 175 ; address, 248 ; birthday, 264 ; marriage, 297 Warner, Harrj', 216 Warner, Jack, 216 Warrens of Virginia, The, cast, 332 Washburn, Bryant, biography, 175 ; address, 248 ; birthday, 264 ; marriage, 297 Waterloo Bridge, cast, 376 Watkins, Linda, biography, 176 ; address, 248; birthday, 264 ; marriage, 297 ; first film, 305 Watts, Dodo, biography, 176 ; address, 248 ; birthday, 264; real name, 275; first film, 305 Way of All Flesh, The, cast, 343 Ways to Film Success, 218-25 Webb, Millard, 209 Weeks, Barbara, biography, 176 ; address, 248 ; birthday, 264 ; first film, 305 ; VVampas baby, 307 Wee MacGregor's Sieeethearf, cast, 322 Weisenfreund, M., see Muni, Paul Weissmuller, Johnny, biography, 176 ; address, 248 ; marriage, 297 ; first film, 305 Welchman, Harry, biography, 176; address, 248; birthday, 264 ; marriage, 297 ; first film, 305 Wellman, William, 209 Welsh, Jane, biography, 176 ; address, 248 ; birthday, 264 ; marriage, 297 Wembley, studio, 395 Wenman, Henry, biography, 176 ; address , . 248 ; birthday, 264 ; real name, 275 ; marriage, 297 ; first film, 305 Werndorff, O. F., " Art Direction," 445-446 West, Roland, 210, 217 Whale, James, 210 What a Widow, cast, 367 What Price Glory? cast, 343 What Price Hollyivood ? cast, 376 Wheeler, Bert, biography, 177 ; address, 249 When Fleet Meets Fleet, cast, 344 When Knighthood rvas in Flower, cast, 316 Where East is East, cast, 357 Where the Pavement Ends, cast, 322 White, Alice, biography, 177; address, 249; birthday, 264; real name, 275; first film 305 White, Marjorie, biography, 177 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 ; first film, 305 White Cargo, cast, 357 White Hell of Pitz Pain, The, cast, 367 White Man, The, cast, 376 White Sister, The, 219 ; cast, 327 Whoopee, cast, 367 Widecombe Fair, cast, 350 Wide Screen, 477 Wilcox, Herbert, 217, 390 Wilcoxon, Harry, biography, 177 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 ; first film, 305 William, Warren, biography, 177; address, 249 Williams, Bert, 472 Williams, Emlyn, biography, 177 ; addi^ess, 249 ; first film, 305 Williams, Hugh, biography, 178 ; address, 249 Williams, M., see Loy, M>Tna Williams, Robert, biography, 178 ; marriage, 297 ; first film, 305 Williamson, AUce, " Secrets of ScreenFashion," 18-21 Wilshin, Sunday, biography, 178 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 Wilsoii, Dorothy, biography, 178 ; address, 249 ; first film, 305 Wilson, Lois, biographj", 178 ; birthday, 264 ; Wampas baby, 306 Wind, The, cast, 344 Windmills of the Weald, 423 Windsor, Claire, biography-, 178 ; address, 249 ; real name, 275 ; marriage, 297 ; Wampas baby, 306 Wingrov'e, S. M., see Grove, Sybil Wings, 224 ; cast, 350 ; Award of Merit, 308 Winning of Barbara Worth, The, cast, 340 Winning Through, cast, 332 Winter, Mackenzie, " Men and Money behind Pictures," 461-466 Winton, Jane, biography, 178 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 ; marriage, 297 Withers, Grant, biography, 179 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 ; marriage, 297 Within the Law, cast, 322, 367 Wolheim, Louis, biography, 179 Woman Disputed, A, cast, 350 Woman of No Importance, A, cast, 317 Woman of Paris, A, cast, 327 Woman to Womaji, cast, 328, 357 Woman with Four Faces, The, cast, 328 Women of all Nations, cast, 367 Women Who Win, 470 Wong, Anna May, 472 ; biography, 179 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 Wontner, Arthur, biography, 179 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 ; marriage, 297 ; first film, 305 Wood, Judith, biography, 179 ; address, 249 ; real name, 275 ; Wampas babj% 307 Wood, Sam, 210 Woolfe, C. M., 217 ; career, 463 Woolsey, Robert, biography, 180 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 ; marriage, 297 ; first film, 305 IF. Plan, The, 456 Wray, Fay, biography, 180 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 ; marriage, 297 ; Wampas baby, 307 Wright, Hugh E., biography, 180 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 ; first film, 305 Wyler, William, 210 Wyndham, Joan, biography, 180 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 ; first film, 305 Wynyard, Diana, biography, 180 ; address, 249 ; first film, 305 Y Yankee at the Court of King Arthur, cast, 317 Yarde, Margaret, biography, 180 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 Yoelson, Asa, see Jolson, Al Yolanda, cast, 328 Young, Clara Kimball, biography, 180 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 Young, Loretta, biography, 181 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 ; real name, 275 ; marriage, 297 ; first film, 305 ; Wampas baby, 307 Young, Robert, biography, 181 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 Young, Roland, biography, 181 ; address, 249 ; birthday, 264 ; marriage, 297 Young Woodley, cast, 367 Yule, J., see JIcGuire. Mickev. Z Zander the Great, cast, 332 Zanuck, Darryl, 217 Zaza, cast, 32S Zukor, Adolph, 217