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96 Jes 9 Mr. DeMitte the film wars, capable of rendering worthy opponents hors de combat. Nevertheless, he was aware he was entering the den of a seasoned warrior. For a moment A.P.'s manner was unctuous. "You knew I refused that loan/' "Yes," said DeMille. "Then why did you give it?" roared A.P. "Sam is a great producer, that's why." Then yelling back, "Now just a minute. If I'm just window dressing for your bank in Los Angeles I'm going to resign. If I stay I'm going to make a noise like a bank official!" A,P. told him to calm down. "You're no figurehead," he said, obviously relishing DeMille's boldness. Goldwyn got the $200,000, promptly paid the loan and the interest. Even with this past relationship, DeMille could not be sure he had the right to expect the Bank of America to advance him a half-million dollars in his present situation. He would be ask- ing Giannini to pledge this sum of money in circumstances riddled with controversy, on a picture—as The Ten Command- ments was—badly crippled and only partly finished. Also, he was aware of Giannini's ever vigilant sense of economy, as well as his cautious attitude toward film people. There was one mildly favorable factor: McCarthy had known Giannini before his banking days, having acted as counsel for him when the family was in the vegetable business. McCarthy also helped A.P. buy banks. It was decided that McCarthy would stalk the financial wizard. The lawyer decided his approach would be quick and blunt. "I want a half million dollars," McCarthy said, girding him- self for a Giannini thunderclap.