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152 Yw, Mr. DeMilk shine a staff member. Remember, there are no promotions in the DeMiUe bungalow. Another staff member had a haunting memory of the time he was called upon to write an article for Mr. DeMille's by-line for a weekly publication. Having little time to prepare, he dug into the files and composed the article with data taken almost verbatim from two previously published articles. This was submitted to the boss, who promptly returned it with his verdict succinctly set forth in several places, in one word— Baloney. Irritated, the assistant apprised his employer that the article was a combination of two articles, setting forth the date and place of publication of each. He added in his memo, The por- tions which are marked "baloney" are in exact text from the two articles. Taking the bull by the horns, he added, I had assumed that what passed your by-line then would be satis- factory now. In view of this may I suggest that someone else may wish to try his hand at an article on the same or any other subject The boss made no mention of the matter, other than to in- struct another staff man to "write a fresh article unless we all have agreed that we are utterly devoid of new ideas." A key to his progressiveness may be indicated in the incident —perhaps a partial answer to the wonderment of so many as to how he was: able to keep pace with a constantly changing industry. The acceptable patterns of yesterday may have lost their value and meaning to a mind constantly probing for today's challenges. Occasionally a coltish staff member would risk the uncharted seas of repartee, at which the boss himself was no raw hand. One day he stepped owt of his office to read aloud a fan letter which endled with the devout hope, "What this country needs i$ more Cecil B. DeMilles."